Sparks Electrical News August 2019



DRIVING GROWTH THROUGH INNOVATION TEBOGO MABENA talks about why Citiq Prepaid helped redefine the potential Go Go Green Electrical through transparency, insight and ongoing support.

“We found the best solution with the Citiq Prepaid system. Their service fee is very attractive when compared to other players in the field and the efforts to help us grow in this space has been great! Being able to brand our vehicle with Citiq Pre- paid logos has proven to be a huge drawcard for the business. Mabena has said that the number of customers they’ve brought in as a result of this branding has been noticeable. Citiq Prepaid is raising awareness in the townships and malls, providing ban- ners and brochures and other educational materials that allow the team to connect with potential customers.” “Citiq Prepaid is far better for our customers, they don’t have expiring tokens or insist that the landlord is the only person who can purchase power, and their rates are transparent and solid,” says Mabena. “They bypass many of the issues that our customers face around costs, landlords not being around to help them when they need power, and high bills they don’t understand or deserve. With Citiq Prepaid, they can buy their tokens from anywhere – the list of suppliers is long – and they know exactly what they are buying and they are sure of the units and the costs.” For Mabena, the Citiq Prepaid system eliminates the trust issues that impact on tenant-landlord relationships where the former doesn’t know if the latter is giving them the right value for their money. It offers a level of freedom that people need. “Until now, there has been no way for people to manage their meters or their usage,” concludes Mabena. “With Citiq Prepaid, we can offer people insight into their usage and their costs and we can bring this convenience and transparency into the townships thanks to Citiq Prepaid’s help. They give us the branding, the support, the guidance we need to ensure that our customers walk away happy. Thanks to this we are growing our company in the way we want to, by helping and empowering others.”

Tebogo Mabena and his wife, Millicent, are co-owners of the successful Go Go Green Electrical, a company that provides a variety of electrical contractor and submetering installation ser- vices to the South African market. The company was built on the foundations of solid electrical contractor training and a passion for providing excellent service, and evolved into a business that partners with clients by providing support, advice and solid sub- metering solutions. “We had been running our company for a while when I thought that it would be smart for us to consider moving into the sub- metering arena,” says Mabena. “At first, I wasn’t sure, my research showed that there was a lot of variety in what companies in this space offered and how they supported electrical contractors. We wanted to work with someone who could help us grow our business.” It took an opportunity to pitch for a large commercial space that spurred Mabena into action. He realised that sub-metering was a growing area that would allow the company to expand its focus and own a share of the installation space. After comparing the capabilities of different metering companies and especially the way Citiq Prepaid managed tariffs, he scheduled a meeting with Citiq Prepaid. “We wanted to work with a company that would support our vision of bringing meters into the townships and other rural areas where people constantly struggle to manage their electricity bills, or understand their consumption,” he says. “Often, there are nu- merous families living off one meter so there is no transparency into which family is using the most power, it’s just divided across everyone. I know of someone who, when he goes away, turns off all his appliances, empties his fridge, and then leaves so he can’t be stung with a huge bill. This is a very common problem and one that we would like to change,” he says.

Tebogo and Millicent Mabena, co-owners of Go Go Green Electrical.




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