Sparks Electrical News December 2020
What better way to say ciao, adios and hamba kahle to 2020, than to start 2021 as the winner of some fantastic prizes? Sparks Electrical News , along with our cherished advertisers, are offering readers the chance to win one of a number of great prizes. HOW TO ENTER Entering the competition is simple: 1. Scan the QR code on this page to go straight to the online entry form. 2. Log onto the Sparks website – – click on the competition banner and complete the online entry form 3. Email your name, company name, postal address and contact number to DRAW All Entries received will go into a draw which the advertisers who have donated prizes will draw in January 2021. Winners will be notified by email and the names of the winners will be published in the February 2021 issue of Sparks Electrical News CLOSING DATE ENTRIES CLOSE ON 15 JANUARY 2021
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