Sparks Electrical News July 2017
• Grip of Steel ® : Ty-Rap cable ties provide superior performance in a variety of applications. • Control panel solutions: Available in numerous configurations, ma- terials, sizes and colours to accommodate any application, Ty-Duct ® products offer a total solution for routing and concealing wiring in control panels. • Ergonomically designed tools: Fasteners with well-designed, ergo- nomic, error-proof tools add to efficiency and comfort. Identification and supplies: T&B offers an assortment of wire markers, safety labels, fish tape, lu- bricants and other essential everyday supplies for electrical construc- tion, installation and maintenance. Included here are:
EZ Code ® identification products include wire marker books, cards, labels, tapes, tags and signs to warn the workforce about dangerous areas. Catamount ® lubricants, tools and accessories complete any electrical project. Metal framing and cable tray: In addition, comprehensive lines of metal framing and cable trays are available. Modular framing: With Kindorf® 1 1/2 modular channel system, every part fits, providing the maximum number of support and framing applications with the minimum amount of labour and materials. Multiple plating options: Superstrut® ensures a 1 5/8" metal framing system with consistent finishes for the channel, fittings and accessories.
THOMAS & BETTS (T&B), a member of the ABB Group, has a range of wire and cable management solutions. Original equipment manufacturers, panel builders, electrical contractors, and maintenance personnel depend onmetallic and non-metallic boxes, hi-performance cable ties, wiring troughs, weather-proof enclosures, cable trays, wire identification, and modular metal framing, and product brands including Kindorf ® , Ty-Rap, and *Steel City ® *Pre-Fab help installers cut installation time and costs. Fastening systems: A range of solutions for bundling, securing, routing and protecting wire and cable, including theTy-Rap ® brand, Catamount ® and others in multiple materials, sizes and colours:
Cable tray: A cost-effective, reliable and adaptable alternative to conduit systems where allowed by code.
Enquiries: +27 (0)10 202 5206
DECREASING FIBRE INSTALLATION COSTS S outh Africa is experiencing phenomenal activity in the roll-out of fibre optic cables. While no-one disputes that the installation of fibre presents tremendous opportunities, the question is, how will this demanding initiative af- fect consumers’ Internet connection costs? With speeds of up to 100Mbps, fibre will provide unsurpassed Internet speeds. It is also reliable, highly secure and able to withstand testing weather conditions.“However, this large-scale, challenging roll-out comes with a hefty price tag,” cautions Bradley Hemphill, managing director of EES Live. If the country is to replace its five million copper cables with fibre optics, the cost will be roughly R60 billion, according to figures recently released by Finance24. “It is vital that fibre network installation is carried out in themost efficient,yet cost-effective, manner possible,” Hemphill continues. It is important to select the most suitable optical connection. It appears that previously, connector technology usage was not based on the required application but on the readiness and availability of technology. Currently, access networks have three technologies to choose from, namely fusion splicing, mechanical splicing and factory pre- terminated. Fusion splicing has been largely used to date. Requirements on which selection of connector technology should be based are: • Streamlined, easy, cost-effective installation and maintenance • Flexible connections in the network that can easily be added to, joined or removed • Ability to withstand harsh environmental conditions • Effective optical performance and secure transmission of information • Straightforward connectivity and fibre organising system When examining the three connector technologies closely, it seems that the factory pre-terminated technology option is the most suitable as it meets all five requirements.
JULY 2017
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