Sparks Electrical News March 2019
L ocated at the foot of Paarl Mountain, Paarl Boys’ High School, which has just celebrat- ed its 150 th anniversary, is one of the oldest schools in South Africa and is steeped in tradition. As part of the celebration the school installed a new Astro hockey field, which included floodlighting. BEKA Schréder was involved in this prestigious project and its recently launched OMNIblast-E was the floodlight of choice. A combination of OMNI- blast-E-1 and OMNIblast-E-2 LED floodlights were installed to ensure the desired levels of illuminance level to the field. One of the benefits of LED technology is instant strike when switched on. LED floodlights can also easily be dimmed to the required lighting levels us-
lighting solution offers an alternative with proven benefits for traditional fixtures fitted with 600 W to 2000 W HID lamps. A modular concept for opti- cal units means one, two or three modules can be mounted on a similar bracket arrangement to offer the utmost versatility, providing light distribution and lumen packages perfectly adapted to the specifica- tions of the area to be illuminated. The OMNIblast- E incorporates a patented cooling technology that maximises its lifespan and lumen output. BEKA Schréder locally develops and manufactures energy-efficient LED light- ing products, designed and suitable for local conditions. The company worked with Eimac Consulting Engineers to provide a successful floodlighting solution for the project.
ing DALI controls. Three switching stages were set: Stage 1 at 75 lux; Stage 2 at 150 lux; and Stage 3 at 350 lux. The biggest advantage of using DALI for dimming in this application is that the uniform- ity level remains at dimming stages, as opposed to switching luminaires off to reduce light levels and compromising uniformity. Also, DALI dimmable con- trol gear offers energy savings additional to those LED technology provides. Further benefits include prolonged LED lifetime and no maintenance. The locally manufactured OMNIblast-E is ideal for sports venues and other large area applications that require a lighting solution with the highest ef- ficiency and flexibility for adaptation to different lighting needs. Available in three sizes, the new LED
S warovski Lighting’s new-build showroom in Green Point features the latest Hager ‘smart’ solutions – supplied by ElectroMe- chanica (EM) of Cape Town – for automated build- ing control. The brief was to supply centralised control of all of the light fittings on display, not only for control of the premises, but also for the sales staff to be able to demonstrate the products to customers via tab- lets. “Specification of the lighting products is quite technical, which is why we proposed the advanced Hager solution,” Ryan Whitelaw, EM Product Man- ager for Building Automation explains. The supplier specified high-quality Hager B7 switch frames, which feature a clean design, vega D enclosures with ready-to-mount configuration; the domovea automation dashboard, which is control- lable from a smartphone or tablet; and the wall- mounted keypad. The dashboard provides intuitive control of a range of devices – lights, shutters, heating, air-con- ditioning – from single rooms to entire floors. The main advantage is that it allows for easy control from a single point, including remote control via an app available for iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. The dashboard even allows for energy-consump- tion data to be stored for comparison against vari- ous timeframes, from days to months. “There has been noticeable growth in the smart home and building automation market over the past three years or so. Whereas in Europe it is al- most standard across most households, business- es, and commercial buildings, we are only starting to align ourselves now,” Whitelaw comments. SMART SOLUTION FOR SWAROVSKI IN CAPE TOWN
MARCH 2019
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