Sparks Electrical News September 2022



Higher efficiency electric motors will drive down energy consumption

T he adoption of new Minimum Energy Perfor mance Standards (MEPS) for electric motors in South Africa will provide significant energy sav ings and in so doing alleviate pressure on the country’s electricity supply crisis, whilst improving operational competitiveness. The Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE), SANEDI, together with CLASP have recently completed a second cost benefit analysis (CBA) to determine the economic and environmental benefits of introducing MEPS for electric motors in South Af rica. South Africa’s industrial sector is dominated by motors that fall under the lowest class of international

efficiency standards (IE1). Entitled “Cost-benefit analysis to introduce Minimum Energy Per formance Standards (MEPS) for Electric Motors in South Africa”, the report found that national electricity demand could potentially be re duced by as much as 0.25% in 2023 should the inefficient IE1 motors be replaced with more efficiently rated IE3 ones. IE3 electric motor units have a premium efficiency rating of 94.2% with potential energy savings of between 15% and 16%. South Africa’s economy depends on energy-intensive industries such as mining, chemicals, agriculture, iron, and cement making. These industries all run electric motors for extended periods, even up to 17 hours a day. The CBA s study revealed that about 32 companies in these sectors consume about 40% of the country’s electrical energy.

It is therefore imperative that the country adopts MEPS and energy labels that are supported by government best practice awareness programmes. Collectively, these actions will accelerate the tran sition to more efficient motor system applications. “Electric motors are not only used in heavy in dustry, they are ubiquitous and we use them con stantly without realising. Implementing the CBA recommendations should be treated as a priority, and aligns with President Ramaphosa's recently announced energy crisis plan which seeks to con serve energy usage” said Dr Theo Covary who led the CBA research Some South African distributors are already making the shift towards IE3 electric motor units, and support the government’s intention to forge ahead with the new efficiency standards pro gramme which is now long overdue, in the Covary’s view. In line with international standards, the report recommends that the DMRE should proceed in implementing MEPS for level IE3 electric mo tors in the 0.75 to 375 kilo-watt range for 2, 4, 6, and 8 pole motors. In its research, it considered the Urban-Econ Feasibility Study of 2019 to help reach its conclusions. This study suggested that 200 000 electric motor units are sold each year in South Africa, with at least 69% of them between the 0.75 and 11 kilo-watt size range. Of these, be tween 40% and 50% have no stated energy rating, with the implication that they are the most inef ficient motors available on the market. The report also assumes that the new performance standards will be formally introduced in 2023, to allow af fected stakeholders a transition period to adjust to costs and move to IE3 electric motors. The CBA report concludes that if the electric motor MEPS programme is effective, it should offer meaningful electricity savings which will directly benefit Eskom. Not only will it assist Eskom with its current supply challenge, but it will improve the competitiveness of South Africa’s industrial base, by reducing load shedding risks and operational costs. About SANEDI: The South African National Energy Development Institute (SANEDI), established by the Government, directs, monitors, and conducts applied energy re search to develop innovative, integrated solutions to catalyse growth and prosperity in the green economy. It drives scientific evidence-driven ven tures that contribute to youth empowerment, gen der equity, environmental sustainability, and the 4th Industrial Revolution, within the National Develop ment Plan (NDP), through consultative, sustainable energy projects.




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