Test Feb 2021
Terex plant – the quality differentiator for quarries
ELB Equipment (ELB), is one of a few South African companies offering a broad range of earthmoving, construction, mining and quarrying equipment from a single supplier. The company has established itself as one of the most respected names in the industry and represents a number of world-renowned manufacturers whose products are designed to meet the strict emission and safety control regulations that apply to the industrialised first-world countries. In this special feature, MQ looks at two Terex machines that are boosting production and saving costs.
needed to refurbish it, we decided to go the route of purchasing the best, most suitable newmachine to get the job done more efficiently. “Having put in a lot of research of other types of machines available, we went with the upgraded version of the trusty FM120, as it is still the only wash plant able to completelymeet our require- ments. It remains the one best suited to our dry screening mode of operation. The unit has a true 120 t/hour throughput with better handling of slime (fines) and a resultant higher quality end product; striking the perfect balance between effi- ciency, low running costs and improved production,” he says. After several months of operation, he says the Terex FM120 has positively boosted production by at least 35%, resulting in the company’s loading cycle needing optimisation to keep up with the new washing plant’s increased capacity. There are also positive spin-offs for the environment due to its efficient oper- ation. The extended efficiency of the plant’s hydrocyclones is better able to capture fines rather than simply expelling this to the settling ponds on the property. This ensures better recirculation of water
Wash plant boosts production Through ongoing investments in the quality of sand produced, Kilo Sand in Tshwane is a first choice for suppliers and contractors servicing the northern sub- urbs and the lower reaches of Tshwane. In this heavily traded area, where numerous quarries are similarly posi- tioned to service two of the fastest grow- ing areas in Africa, Kilo Sand’s quality differentiator is key to its success. Driven through an ongoing investment in mod- ern machinery and purpose-built equip- ment, the company is able to supply the best quality materials at cost-effective prices. Its latest acquisition of the Terex FM120 pushes the quality boundaries still further with its ability to produce more
sand of a higher quality, while simulta- neously minimising water usage. For its many customers, this means the company can produce a superior quality river sand with the right balance of coarse and fine material for more useable product per load. Procured from ELB Equipment, the sole distributor of Terex washing systems in Southern Africa, the new machine has also boosted production of washed river sand on site by over 35%, which is assist- ing the company to keep up with ever-in- creasing demand. “ I t r ep l a c e s ou r 10 - ye a r o l d Powerscreen FM120, which had become tired and in need of refurbishing,”explains Kilo Sand owner Josef Lewis. “Rather than taking it out of production for the time
Kilo Sand’s Josef Lewis with ELB Equipment’s Heath Dickson and Wakefield Harding.
The Terex FM120 produces more washed sand with less water and reduces slimes to settling ponds.
MODERN QUARRYING Quarter 2 / 2018
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