African Fusion August 2017
Today’s technology
PTA for the protection of power components
Thermal spray coating and plasma-transferred arc (PTA) claddingsolutions fromThermasprayprotectpowergeneration components against corrosion and wear.
E quipment and components such as steam generators, pumps and turbines that handle steam and water in the steam cycle operate in extremely harsh environments, be- ing subjected to high pressure steam, high temperatures and metal-to-metal wear in seating areas. “These are the main contributors of wear in steam and water valves,” says Thermaspray spray shop manager, Paul Young. “These components require a variety of control, safety and shut off systems and this is where a lot of wear occurs,” he adds, “Furthermore, the surfaces of valve seats and spindles need to inhibit oxidation, which can lead to adhesion damage at high temperatures. “Our thermal spray and PTA capa- bilities enable us to refurbish and repair a wide range of components used by local power stations. These include fan blade and steam side spindles, servo motor and rack spindles, stator pump bearing and accumulator housings, fan blade shafts and liners, pump impellers, nose tip liners, deflector rings, control casings, sleeve and rotation plates, sleeves and bushes as well as a range of valves,” Young says. Thermalsprayingprovidesincreased resistance to high temperatures, oxida- tion, traction, cavitation, chemicals and corrosionaswell aswear resistance from erosion, abrasion and friction.
Thermal spraying is considered a ‘cold method of welding’ where high temperatures can be achieved in the heated spray zone while the tempera- ture of the part itself usually remains under 100 °C. The process can restore worn components to precise original dimensions and extend component ser- vice life – “and the subsequent increased uptime and improved production trans- late into significant cost savings for the end-user,” notes Young. PTA clad hardfacing offers the ideal solution for applications where severe impact and corrosion are prevalent. Here, coatings that can withstand such conditions by providing the necessary protection to the substrate are required. “This welding process is used to producehigh-qualityweldhardfacingsof Ni, Co and Fe alloys, as well as tungsten carbide containing grades of the nickel alloy,” continues Young. ”The PTA hard- facings that are metallurgically bonded to theparentmaterial, areable tohandle impact, point and/or line loads that a thermal spray coating cannot tolerate.” The scope of work for various repairs and refurbishments conducted by Ther- maspray at eight power stations include: Complete refurbishment of Semple Valves, which involved stripping of the valve, pre-machining, stress relief, ther- mal spraying, PTA welding, NDT, final machining, final grinding, and assem-
INDEX TO ADVERTISERS Afrox.......................................................25 Air Liquide South Africa..........................8 Air Products...........................................31 ESAB ......................................................18 Hydra-Arc Group...................................23 Lincoln Electric...................................OBC Oerlikon............................................... IBC SAIW.........................................................2 SANAS...................................................IFC voestalpine UTP Maintenance.... OFC, 12 Welding Alloys SA..................................21 Cape Town-based Surcotec, offers an extensive portfolio of engineering and thermal spray coating solutions to assist OEM and end-user clients in reducing costs and increasing production. PTA clad hardfacing offers the ideal solution for applications where severe impact and corrosion are prevalent. bly. Thermaspray also manufactured rings and bushes for the Semple valve from Mehanite material to the client’s specification. The refurbishment of valve spindles, in partnership with a business partner, included pre-grinding, thermal spray coating, final grinding and NDT (DPI) on thecoating.Therepairandrefurbishment conducted on gland boxes demanded pre-machining, thermal spray coating, final machining and final grinding. Refurbishment of valve seats in- cluded pre-machining, PTA welding with a cobalt alloy andmachining to the required dimensions. The job included PTA welding on new seats. Pump refurbishment, which was completed in conjunction with a busi- ness partner, included machining, grinding, thermal spray coating, and final grinding. Electrical run-outs have also been conducted on these shafts ensur- ing the quality required. Thermaspray also coated butterfly and ball valves to increase wear and corrosion resistance. Thermaspray, in a joint venturewith
A schematic of the PTA weld cladding process.
August 2017
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