African Fusion November 2015
SAIW Member profile: Hydra-Arc SAIW’s 67 th Annual Dinner and Awards
The SAIW’s 67 th Annual Dinner and Awards ceremony took place on 11 September at Emperor’s Palace in Kempton Park. Com- pèred by cricket legend Fanie de Villiers with entertainment from ‘3 Tons of Fun’ , the event brought together key stakeholders and industry leaders fromall over the country to celebrate South Africa’s 2015 welding successes. SA’s welding industry
SAIW executive director, Sean Blake
O pening the evening, SAIWPresi- dent, Morris Maroga, began by welcoming those who travelled fromafar, notably: SAIWKZN committee chairperson, DonovanGovender and the KZN SAIW representative Anne Meyer, “aswell as ourWesternCape Committee ChairpersonCorné Coetzee andWestern Cape representative Liz Berry.” Welding stakeholders present in- cluded Raymond Patel and Ester van der Linde frommerSETA ; JacobMalatse and Matlala Sathekge from the Depart- ment of Labour; SAISI’s Johan Nell and SAISC’s Paulo Trinchero; John Tarboton from SASSDA; Keith Cain from SAINT, along with award winners; SAIW Board members; members of academia; SAIW corporate and personal members; cli-
ents and friends of the Institute.
saidBlake. “It does this to ensure that its training programmes and the qualifica- tions that are issued are well suited to industry requirements. Using this ap- proachhelps ensure that graduates from Institute courses have goodprospects of employment and of meeting employer expectations,” he explained. “Anyone attending Institute courses will testify that they are verydemanding. A lot of information has to be absorbed in a short amount of time. Tobe success- ful takes special effort andwe recognise the very best SAIW students through these training awards.” The winners of the training awards receive a voucher worth R20 000, which can be used for any Institute training course, seminar or conference.
“Tonight would not have been possible without the help of our loyal sponsors,” said Maroga, before thanking Afrox; Esab; Hydra-Arc; Xeon Welding; Lincoln Electric; Bureau Veritas; DCD Heavy Engineering; Techtra; Transnet; and WASA. Following dinner and entertain- ment, Sean Blake, SAIWexecutive direc- tor, took the podium to announce the award winners.
The best students on SAIW training courses in 2015
“The Institute involves industry repre- sentatives in every aspect of the devel- opment of a course: the syllabus; the trainingmaterial; and theexaminations,”
Above: Cornelius van Niekerk, Madeleine du Toit and Corné van Rooyen won the Harvey Shacklock Gold Medal for the best technical paper presented at an Institute event. His father Oostewald van Niekerk (right), received the award on Cornelius’ behalf, along with Van Rooyen (centre). Left: Michael Godfrey, who achieved distinctions in Welding Inspectors Level 1 and Level 2, receives the Phil Santilhano Memorial Award from SAIW president, Morris Maroga.
November 2015
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