African Fusion November 2015
SAIW Member profile: Hydra-Arc SAIW’s 67 th Annual Dinner and Awards
winners The SAIW Presidents’ Award For NDT SAIW has been training NDT person- nel for more than 30 years – the same length of time that the Institute has offered training in welding. “NDT is a very important part of the Institute’s programmes andwewant to encourage more young people to enter this field, which offers good career opportunities. The Presidents’ award recognises the top NDT student on Institute courses. The award is made in the name of the past presidents of the SAIW who have helped guide the Institute to become a prominent part of the local welding in- dustry and to be South Africa’s reference point for high quality training inwelding and NDT,” Blake said. “This year, it was very difficult to differentiate between the marks of two candidates, so the SAIW Certification Board decided that both will receive awards. The awards go to Petrus Stephanus Rossouw for outstanding marks in one volumetric method and two surface methods at Level 1 and to Lorraine Lerato Montsho, who achieved outstanding marks in one volumetric methodandone surfacemethodat Level 2,” announcedBlake, adding, “this is the second time that Lorraine has won the NDT training award.” The SAIW’s second training award is the Phil Santilhano Award, which is presented to the best student on the In- stitute’s courses inWelding Supervision and Inspection. Theaward ismade in the name of Phil Santilhano, whowas one of South Africa’s leadingwelding technolo- gists and is remembered for his research anddevelopment on submergedarc and electro-slag welding of heavy wall pres- sure vessels. He became the Institute’s first full time employee when he was appointed technical director in 1977. “Our winner tonight is Michael Godfrey who achieved distinctions in Welding Inspectors Level 1 and Level 2,” revealed Blake. The Phil Santilhano Memorial Award Harvey Shacklock Gold Medal Award The Harvey Shacklock Gold Medal is awarded to the author of the best
The Institute’s Gold Medal Award for 2015, the Institute’s highest accolade, was awarded to Hydra-Arc, represented by, from left: Nicholas Correia, Riaan Kruger, Geo Dunn, Riaan Carstens, Jan Maswanganyi (CEO), Alan Smith, Eleanor Venter, Ewan Huisamen, Ryno van Niekerk, Armand Keulder and Johan Victor.
technical paper presented at an In- stitute event. Harvey Shacklock was the managing director of BOC (British Oxygen Company) now Afrox. He was instrumental in founding the South Af- rican Institute of Welding and, in 1948, became its first president. Afrox, part of the worldwide Linde group, generously donates a gold medal for the award. “This year we are very pleased to be recognising Cornelius van Niekerk for his presentation ‘In situ alloying of AISA 410L martensitic stainless steel with ni- trogen during laser cladding’ . The paper was co-authored by Corné van Rooyen and Madeleine du Toit. Cornelius van Niekerk is currently in Australia, as is Madeleine du Toit, but in Cornelius’ ab- sence, his father, OostewaldvanNiekerk, will receive this award,” anouncedBlake. The final award for this evening is the Institute’s GoldMedal Award. The award was introduced in 1966. It is the Insti- tute’s highest award and can be made to a company or an individual in recog- nition of outstanding contributions to welding technology or to the Institute. “For 2015 the award is being made to Hydra-Arc. The award citation reads: “In recognition of the company’s com- mitment to skills development in South Africa as exemplified by its involvement in welder artisan training; innovation in the field of fabrication in its workshops; The SAIW Gold Medal Award for 2015
for completing the largest storage tanks fabricated in South Africa for Sasol; commitment to quality in welding as demonstrated by numerous quality management certifications in place and international awards made in recogni- tion thereof’ . Hydra-Arc has developed the Sky- Hill fabrication facility, which is a fully integrated facility with 75 000 m 2 under roof. The company fabricated five propylene (bullet) storage vessels in 2013, measuring 59 m in length and weighing 446 tons each, which were the largest vessels ever manufactured in South Africa at that time. The vessels were heat treated as a single unit in a one-of-a-kind heat treatment furnace built by Hydra-Arc, completed ahead of schedule and delivered to the Sasol Secunda complex. The group began a skills develop- ment programme in 2002, which has expanded over the years to the estab- lishment of the Mshiniwami Training Academy with capacity to train up to 1 000 artisans per year. The Hydra-Arc Group is a proudly South African business that has proven that, by developing local skills and pay- ing attention to quality and on-time de- livery, it is possible to be successful and competitive in this challenging industry. The award was presented to Hydra- Arc’s chief executive officer, Jan Mas- wanganyi, by SAIW president, Morris Maroga.
November 2015
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