Capital Equipment News August 2023

“By managing their operations with less climate impact than their competitors, they are paving the way for a new and sustainable transport system across Southern Africa.”

Erik Bergvall, Managing Director, Scania Southern Africa


In South Africa, transport has been identified as the fastest-growing source of greenhouse emissions, accounting for 10.8% of National GHG Emissions

Scania measures the climate impact of vehicles using operational data from globally connected trucks and buses

The transport sector is particularly exposed and vulnerable to the impacts of natural disasters

The trees for the proposed forest will be planted in areas where they have the most impact. Many communities in South Africa lack green spaces. Research links trees to a reduction in crime, better school performance and improved health benefits. Every tree planted in a Scania Sustainability Pioneer’s name will create a healthy and sustainable community ecosystem while ensuring these business

Southern Africa. As the first heavy commercial vehicle manufacturer to set science-based targets aligned to the Paris Agreement, Scania is, together with its sustainably minded customers, taking collective ownership of its role in climate change. “Already our science-based targets aim to ensure our vehicles produced in 2025 will emit 20% less carbon emissions than those produced in 2015,” says Bergvall.

visionaries are forever a part of the environment, they are helping Scania to protect. Link to nature “Considering that our roads carry more than 70% of all goods transported across South Africa, ensuring the effects of climate change are drastically reduced is a pressing responsibility,” explains Erik Bergvall, Managing Director, Scania



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