Capital Equipment News August 2023


weather may disrupt and damage the vital connections that provide access to economic opportunities, healthcare, education and social connections. In South Africa, transport has been identified as the fastest-growing source of greenhouse emissions, accounting for 10.8% of National GHG Emissions. Direct emissions from the road sector, account for 91.2%. “The shift to sustainable transport solutions is a collective effort,” says Bergvall. “We can’t do it alone. By partnering with our Scania Sustainability Pioneers, we are working together to reduce the carbon emissions necessary to limit climate change in Southern Africa.” Sustainable solutions Sustainable transport solutions offer transport operators a competitive advantage. Many companies have climate-related targets and are looking across their supply chains for opportunities to reduce carbon emissions. A fleet that includes sustainable transport solutions could soon become a factor to enable transport operators to win in a competitive bid. “By differentiating as a transport operator, with a distinct focus on people and the planet, your company engages with a sense of purpose and could attract a new customer base who prefers to do business with sustainably minded suppliers,” says Bergvall. The costs of inaction are steep, especially if carbon emissions continue to rise. Resilient transport interventions can significantly help to reduce future losses across the transport sector. “At Scania, we measure the climate impact from our vehicles using operational data from all our globally connected trucks and buses,” explains Bergvall. This commitment to a transparent process of tracking emissions ensures Scania and its visionary customers can play a leadership role in combatting climate change. “We look forward to growing our Scania Southern Africa Sustainable Forest, with each tree a symbol of the on-the-ground partnership we have with our visionary customers,” says Bergvall. “By managing their operations with less climate impact than their competitors, they are paving the way for a new and sustainable transport system across Southern Africa.” A shift that promises to deliver long term benefits for the transport industry, society and the environment. b

“To further increase efficiencies, we have introduced optimised vehicle specifications that include better powertrains and further fuel efficiencies.” Net-zero targets When fossil fuels, like diesel burn, they release carbon dioxide. These gases

are trapped in the atmosphere, causing temperatures to rise, and leading to climate change. The transport sector is particularly exposed and vulnerable to the impacts of natural disasters.

Climate change is expected to exacerbate future risks. Extreme


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