Capital Equipment News November 2016
PLUGGING THE HOLE Heightsafety Gear, a South African manufacturer, designer, developer, importer and distributor of a full range of fall arrest, rope access and rope rescue equipment, has added one more critical skill to its service portfolio following its accreditation to recertify a range of fall arrest blocks it supplies. Director Johan du Toit, who received training in Taiwan to service the HARU range of retractable fall arresters, explains the importance of the latest skills set in closing the remaining loophole in the company’s service portfolio, writes Munesu Shoko.
Key points • Heightsafety Gear now offers recertification for the HARU range • Fall arrest blocks need to be serviced on an annual basis • The blocks go up to 30 m • Suited for an overhead anchor point where the pendulum swing is not more than 30º • Demand has gone from 20 blocks per year to selling 600 blocks last year in one go
determines what kind of service it needs. Every block has the same basic parts and components, comprising a hook up point, a casing, a lifeline and a connection hook. The first inspection is a visual one for the basic parts and components to determine any signs of wear, cracks and deformities, to mention a few. The second test is a function test. This is to see if the entire length of the lifeline extends out of the housing and retracts and locks when pulled too fast. If the lifeline does the required function, only the small inertia weight springs inside the block would need to be replaced and the main axel bolt torqued again. If the entire block doesn’t go back, it means there could be a problem with the springs, it could be dirty or there might be an impeding object inside. There are three little weights on the inside sitting at 120º each. As you increase the inertia by pulling the lifeline down, those little blocks start jumping out and are grabbed by the brake itself. MS: What happens if the lifeline doesn’t retract anymore? JdT: If the lifeline does not retract or lock, a full service might be required. This could include a full strip down; a full clean out; replacing the small springs on the small
our service offering. From a personal point of view, it is also great to understand the mechanics in the inside of the block and to know what makes a durable device and how to assemble and service the item. MS: When did you start recertifying this range locally? JdT: This is a new venture for Heightsafe- ty Gear. I trained in August and we started setting up the service centre by mid-Septem- ber this year. Though we may not be the first company to set up a service centre, we will be the first to offer service for a much cheap- er product locally. All other service centres available in the country are for American and European products, and they are extremely expensive. For example, we sell a 10 m block at +/-R5 000 and they sell the same sized block at +/- R25 000. The service component will definitely further make our range more cost-effective for our customers. It also helps us increase our service basket. We already have the anchor solutions and lifeline solutions available. Offering the service for the retractable systems will make us a one-stop shop for our customers. MS: Just take me through the recertification process. JdT: The physical appearance of the block
Johan du Toit recently received training in Taiwan to service the HARU range of retractable fall arresters.
Munesu Shoko (MS): Heightsafety Gear now offers recertification for the HARU range of fall arrest blocks in South Africa. How significant is the latest service offering for the company at large? Johan du Toit (JdT): As end users are increasingly on the lookout for user friendly work at height solutions, more companies are moving towards the retractable fall arrest system. Fall arrest blocks are increasingly gaining popularity as they allow the user less restricted movement while working at height. The fall arrest blocks are mostly used in conjunction with anchor line systems and the retractable system is a great add-on to our product range. Both the anchor lines and fall arrest blocks need to be serviced on an annual basis. At Heightsafety, we design, supply and install our own permanent anchor line systems, and the combination with a retractable system, and the in-house servicing and recertification capability, closes up that remaining loop in
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