Capital Equipment News November 2016
inertia weights; possible replacing of the main spring; replacing all circlips and springs; possible replacing of the cable or the hook; and possibly replacing the hook. At some point the block could be in such a bad state that it is more cost-effective to replace it completely than trying to service it. (JdT): Servicing turnaround times differ on what needs to be done on the block. For example, if it’s a minor service where there is nothing wrong with the functionalities and the block works and retracts perfectly, to service it could take up to an hour. If there is a need to take it apart and replace the springs, torque and tighten it, close it back up, retag and relabel it, the process can take between an hour and an hour-and-a-half. When there is a need to replace the cable and the major components, the process can take two to three hours. MS: What are the working lengths of your HARU range of fall arrest blocks? JdT: The blocks go up to 30m. We have 2,5 m, 3,5 m, 6 m, 10 m, 15 m, 20 m, 25 m and MS What are the potential turnaround times for these services?
30 m blocks. The size of the block required depends on application. The working envi- ronment or scenario determines what level of block one needs. MS: What sort of applications are these suited for? JdT: The retractable lifeline is mostly suited for applications where there is a lot of up and down movement with an overhead anchor point where the pendulum swing will not be more than 30º. (JdT): It’s difficult to say how big the local market is. However, the South African fall arrest market is still growing and legislation is not enforced on all levels. Most end users just want to comply by wearing a harness and using a shock absorbing lanyard as a fall arrest system. Most employers are not actually looking at a user-friendly system that is work specific. But, we see a move towards fall arrest blocks. Our enquiries have gone from probably 20 blocks per year, to selling 600 blocks last year in one go to a single client. There was also an enquiry MS: Just how big is the demand locally for fall arrest blocks?
recently from one of the power stations for 1 000 blocks. It is a more cost-effective solu- tion than some of the work at height solu- tions available. With certification, we are closing that remaining loop. It is definitely a market that will keep increasing as the end user gets educated and get to know what works better. MS: How are you educating the market? JdT: The Institute for Work at Height’s guidelines launched last month will create better awareness for the entire safe work- ing at height sector and hopefully more end users will go for user-friendly systems and not just complying with the law. In the next five years there is a possibility that the guidelines will be legislated as a Work at Height regulation. MS: What are the main advantages of fall arrest blocks compared with other solutions? JdT: The fall arrest block is the only fall arrest device that is completely hands-free. The us- ers don’t have to open or close, or manually move the device up and down. This makes it the most user-friendly fall arrest device. b
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