Construction World April 2020
THE 5 TH EDITION OF GUIDE TO GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING IN AFRICA Reflecting the rich history of the Franki legend, the Fifth Edition of the widely acknowledged ‘Blue Book’ on geotechnical engineering incorporates elements of its holding company, the Keller Group, and many of Keller’s state-of-the-art ground improvement and grouting technologies.
New chapters 7KH QHZ )LIWK (GLWLRQ FR DXWKRUHG RQFH DJDLQ E\ *DYLQ %\UQH ̰ together with Dr Nicol Chang as Technical Director of Franki and Dr Venu Raju as the Keller Group’s director: Engineering and 2SHUDWLRQV ̰ GHSLFWV )UDQNL̵V H[SDQVLRQ WKURXJK WKH $IULFDQ continent and the Indian Ocean Islands. The ownership of Franki Africa by the Keller Group, the largest JHRWHFKQLFDO FRQWUDFWRU ZRUOGZLGH LV UHͥHFWHG LQ WKH VLJQLͤFDQW change and evolution of the book’s content, the inclusion of colour into the graphics and illustrations, as well as the doubling of the SDJLQDWLRQ IURP SDJHV LQ WKH )LUVW (GLWLRQ WR SDJHV LQ WKLV Fifth Edition. The new edition incorporates the deep foundation, lateral support, design, marine and limited ground improvement content of the third and fourth editions, and adds Keller’s extensive range of ground improvement, grouting and associated design methodologies. Trenchless technology and the introduction to Limit State Design are an added feature of the comprehensive publication. Franki’s
key suppliers are acknowledged and provided with advertorial space and reference to their SURGXFWV HTXLSPHQW The foreword by Professor Peter Day, recognised internationally for his delivery of the Terzaghi Oration as a leading geopractioner of the African region, is greatly appreciated for its recognition of contribution of the Blue Book to the geotechnical industry. The authors would like to thank all in the Keller Group and Franki for their contributions and support in the preparation of their new publication.
T he book, entitled A Guide to Practical Geotechnical Engineering in Africa ZDV RͦFLDOO\ ODXQFKHG E\ .HOOHU̵V 3URI 0LFKDO 7RSROQLFNL VHQLRU WHFKQLFDO DGYLVRU DW WKH th African Regional Geotechnical &RQIHUHQFH LQ &DSH 7RZQ KHOG EHWZHHQ DQG 2FWREHU 7KH conference was attended by both local and international delegates, including senior board members of the ISSMGE. A celebrated tradition This latest edition maintains the 50-year tradition of updating this QRZ ZHOO HVWDEOLVKHG WH[WERRN HYHU\ Top: A Guide to Practical Geotechnical Engineering in Africa 2019 5 th Edition . Bottom: Keller’s Prof Michal Topolnicki. 36 CONSTRUCTION WORLD APRIL 2020
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