Construction World April 2020
System handles TIGHT SPACES W hen the owner of a home on the slopes of Table Mountain in South Africa noticed her existing retaining wall was dangerously leaning over with partial collapses in places, she turned to her trusted builder Zane Samuels, Zane Samuels Construction, for help. He immediately recommended replacing the wall with the Terraforce ® retaining wall system: “I suggested Terraforce because of the system’s ability to handle the tight space we had available, the varied inclines DQG ͤQLVKHV WKH EORFNV FDQ EH LQVWDOOHG with and most importantly, the superior aesthetics offered.” “We started by carefully removing the old retaining walls. This involved propping them up as we worked our way along. The old walls were gradually removed and, in some LQVWDQFHV OHIW LQ SODFH 7KH / 7HUUDIRUFH retaining blocks, supplied by licensed Terraforce manufacturer, Klapmuts Concrete, were placed on a solid concrete foundation. The two to safely retain the surcharge load of the property directly above.” The wall design was provided by Fred Laker, ICOS Engineers, who has extensive experience with the Terraforce system. Working with the existing contours of the property boundary, this included a new curved feature that hides a bulky section of the previous retaining wall, while at the same time adding visual character to the backyard DUHD 7R KLJKOLJKW WKLV FKDQJH LQ ZDOO SURͤOH even more, Samuels chose to install the rock face of the block following the span of this DUFK ZLWK WKH FRQWUDFWLQJ ͥDW IDFH RI WKH
Engineer: Fred Laker, ICOS Engineers Main Contractor: Zane Samuels Construction Block Supplier: Klapmuts Concrete PROJECT PARTICIPANTS “I am beyond happy with the result of this repair. My backyard looks so much better than before. The wall is very pleasing to the eye, and I plan on growing some creepers at the top that will gently trail down the wall. This will add some greenery and soften the look even further.” block behind the main building: “The garden behind the wall needed to be enjoyable to ORRN DW DV DQ RͦFH ZLQGRZ RSHQV XS RQWR this space, while the wall behind the main home just needs to do what it was designed for. Overall this worked out very well, as the two textures really do complement each other.” Says Anat Yukel, owner of the house:
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