Construction World April 2020
WearCheck Kumasi laboratory supervisor Martin Acheampong (left) processes used oil samples in the company’s new lab in Ghana, while lab technician Charles Aggrey looks on. WearCheck provides oil analysis and other condition monitoring services to industries to boost machinery availability and reliability.
WEST AFRICA EXPANSION S outh African condition monitoring specialists, WearCheck, today upgraded
ZDV IRXQGHG RYHU \HDUV DJR LQ 'XUEDQ South Africa, and today processes in excess of 800 000 used oil samples annually. 6LQFH :HDU&KHFN 7DUNZD KDV successfully serviced Ghanaian mining operations and other industries, conducting WKH VFLHQWLͤF DQDO\VLV RI XVHG RLO DQG RWKHU FRQGLWLRQ PRQLWRULQJ WHFKQLTXHV ̰ DOO of which reduce maintenance costs and boost productivity by improving equipment reliability and availability. Managing director Neil Robinson is delighted to be expanding business operations in Ghana. “The industries in Ghana have welcomed WearCheck with open arms, for which we are very grateful. The positive feedback from our Ghanaian customers has inspired our company to expand into the Ashanti area to meet the local need for our top quality laboratory services.’ Robinson is dedicated to providing top quality service and is proud of WearCheck’s status as the only condition monitoring FRPSDQ\ LQ $IULFD ZLWK ,62 TXDOLW\ FHUWLͤFDWLRQ DQG ,62 FHUWLͤFDWLRQ
for its environmental management SURJUDPPH DV ZHOO DV ,62 accreditation for its laboratory-centric quality management programme. Backed by a team of highly-skilled scientists and technicians, WearCheck assists customers to select the best condition monitoring programme, which incorporates services such as the analysis RI XVHG RLO DQG RWKHU ͥXLGV WKHUPRJUDSK\ vibration analysis, balancing, technical compliance, rope condition assessment, non-destructive testing, and a wide range of aligned services. Mining, industrial, marine, earth moving, aviation, construction and power generation ̰ WKHVH DUH MXVW VRPH RI WKH LQGXVWULHV LQ which WearCheck’s customers operate. WearCheck is Africa’s premier condition monitoring company, with a network of laboratories spanning nine countries on the continent and beyond in Dubai and India. Laboratories are situated in Zimbabwe, Zambia, Namibia, DRC and Mozambique, with WearCheck branches in several other African countries.
their laboratory in Tarkwa, Ghana into a state-of-the-art testing centre which can now conduct transformer oil, coolant and IXHO DQDO\VLV ̰ DPRQJVW D KRVW RI DGGLWLRQDO VHUYLFHV ̰ DV ZHOO DV WUDGLWLRQDO XVHG oil analysis. 7DUNZD̵V QHZ ODERUDWRU\ ̰ QRZ KRXVHG in a building a block away from the original FRQYHUWHG VKLSSLQJ FRQWDLQHU ̰ LV NLWWHG RXW with various new instruments that enable extensive advanced testing to be done, and additional laboratory technicians have been employed. The company also opened a second laboratory in Ghana recently, providing world class oil analysis and reliability solutions services to industries in the Ashanti region, in Kumasi. These developments by WearCheck are a direct result of increased demand for excellent condition monitoring services in Ghana. 7KLV EULQJV WR WKH QXPEHU RI laboratories operated by WearCheck, which
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