Construction World August 2020

"The success of such systems is dependent on the design of the system, good quality materials and products, good installation and construction practice and continuous monitoring and maintenance to ensure their effectiveness is not compromised during their service life."

• Manholes – HDPE lined manhole chambers. Rocla products have been utilised in the Waterkloof Quarry and the Nellmapius ([W KRXVLQJ SURMHFW ERWK LQ 3UHWRULD DV ZHOO DV IRU WKH Polokwane Eastern Ring Road and rehabilitation of the D528 in

George’s Valley and the Great North Plaza in Limpopo. Projects in Cape Town and Mozambique have also sourced the H[SHUWLVH WKDW 5RFOD FDQ RIIHU ZKHQ LW FRPHV WR LQIUDVWUXFWXUH specialist requirements. ƒ

1/2 h: A.Shak



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