Construction World December 2020
V&H Consulting considered the serious dolomite challenges on site with a cautious, yet thorough approach. From the design of the piled foundations to the multi-storey concrete frame super structure, every precaution was taken to ensure the anticipated longevity of the building, including the splitting of the lengthy structure into four, individual, free standing, structures. The Architectural design, conceptualised by Bentel Associates International, provided challenges ranging from large spanning cantilevers, rooftop pools, an internal 1000 m³ underground storm water attenuation tank and a highly sophisticated structural steelwork Structural Engineering Consultants Wi t h ov e r 20 y e a r s e x p e r i e n c e
Porte Cochere design. VHC takes pride in the structural designs they are involved with. This is clear when you see the Radisson Hotel & International Conference Centre.
2IÀFH $GGUHVV 151 Pretoria Road l 5\Q¿HOG l Benoni O 7HO 011 425 0932 :HE ZZZ YK FRQVXOWLQJ FR ]D l (PDLO LQIR#YK FRQVXOWLQJ FR ]D V&H Consulting (Pty) Ltd
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