Construction World December 2020
curves on two different planes were also explored, this too provided too many challenges including technical fabrication limitations DQG JHQHUDO LQVWDOODWLRQ LVVXHV RQ VLWH $IWHU D FRPSOH[ GHVLJQ DQG detailing saga between the architect, structural engineer and steel detailer, latticed and faceted steel plates were chosen as the superior design option with the inclusion of tensile steel cables connected WR WKH KRWHO FRQFUHWH IUDPH DV DGGLWLRQDO VXSSRUW (DFK RI WKH SODWHV DQG WKHLU XQLTXH FRQQHFWLRQV ZHUH DQDO\VHG GHVLJQHG fabricated and installed in their unique position to create the low SURͤOH FRPSOH[ PXOWL FXUYH 3RUWH &RFKHUH WKDW VWDQGV WRGD\ The new hotel provided employment opportunities for a notable number of people and has boosted investment interest in what was RQFH D SHULSKHUDO SDUW RI (NXUKXOHQL Further to the above, this particular hotel offering from the 5DGLVVRQ +RWHO *URXS LV WKH ͤUVW RI LWV NLQG LQ 6RXWK $IULFD
As part of the road upgrades for the new hotel, the parking and drop- RII DUHD IRU WKH KLJK VFKRRO ZDV LPSURYHG DQG PDGH VDIHU $ GHGLFDWHG GURS RII ODQH ZDV FRQVWUXFWHG DQG WZR WUDͦF FLUFOHV ZHUH LQWURGXFHG IRU WUDͦF FDOPLQJ DORQJ WKH VWUHHW IURQWDJH RI WKH VFKRRO 7KH URDG KDV DOVR EHHQ SDYHG WR LPSURYH WKH HQWUDQFH H[SHULHQFH IRU DOO URDG XVHUV It would be amiss to not reference the incredible vision of the 'HYHORSHU DQG 3URSHUW\ 2ZQHU =DPDQL /HWMDQH /HWMDQH XVHG WR OLYH on the property where the convention centre and new hotel now VWDQG 7KH KRXVH KH OLYHG LQ LV VWLOO RQ WKH SURSHUW\ DV ZHOO DQG LI \RX were to ask him, he can direct you to what was once his room, with a view out to the then vacant land where these world-class facilities KDYH QRZ EHHQ EXLOW +LV VWRU\ LV DQ LQVSLUDWLRQ WR PDQ\ 6RXWK Africans, and is an example of what one can achieve if they set their PLQG WR LW
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