Construction World December 2021

IRENE LINK BUILDING B I rene Link Building B in Irene Centurion was constructed as the second building in the Irene Link Precinct for Abland. The office block consists of 6 000 m 2 of underground basement parking space and 8 000 m 2 of office space. There are two basement parking levels; four office floors (two of which fit outs were completed in); the roof houses two entertainment areas and plant rooms. The off shutter portals on the northern façade of the building are the main feature and the face of Irene Link Building B. These were constructed as four monol ithic concrete walls. Each concrete wall standing at 8,2 m high had to be poured in one single pour, no joints were to be tolerated as to ensure the qual ity of the off shutter wall was to the highest standard. Once the walls were cast the remainder of the structure was tied in with numerous coupler bars and pull out bars. In total the walls consumed 140 m 3 of concrete and 29 tons of reinforcing. Irene Link Building B achieved a 4-Star Office V1.1 Design Rating. Sustainable building features which have contributed to the rating of the building include but are not l imited to the following: • By implementing a comprehensive Waste Management Plan from project inception to project completion, more than 70% of all demol ition and construction waste was diverted from landfill through reuse/recycl ing; • There was in excess of 30% replacement of Portland Cement by industrial waste products for all concrete used in the project which allowed for the reduction in mining of natural resources and Green House Gas The façades are made up of off-shutter concrete portals; flush glazing; strip windows in between versus coated brickworks and a handing l ightweight wall . Externals consisted of paved parking areas and landscaping surrounding the building.

emissions associated with cement production; • At least 20% of all construction materials that were selected for the project were sourced and manufactured within a 400 km radius from the site, reducing the impact of long distance transportation emissions on the environment ; • Exposure of building occupants to air pollution was minimised by using and install ing low VOC paints, adhesives and sealants and flooring systems (carpets and vinyl); • All insulation, refrigerants and gasses installed in the building have an Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) of zero, thereby ensuring no further long-term damage to the ozone layer. Considering the site started in March 2020, so construction took place through all of the five stages of COVID-19 restrictions. This placed t extra strain on an already difficult challenge of maintaining the health and safety requirements on site. The site had no lost time injuries through the project, achieving over 420 000 LTI free hours. 


• Company entering: WBHO • Project start date: 2 March 2020 • Project end date: 19 March 2021 • Client: Abland • Main Contractor: WBHO • Architect: Nsika Architects • Project Manager: Abland • Quantity Surveyeor: Quanticost • Consulting Engineer: DG Consulting


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