Construction World December 2021
• Company entering: GASS Architecture Studios • Project start date: November 2018 • Project end date: September 2020 • Client: Divercity, Atterbury, Ithemba • Building contractor: Nomad Group (Blocks 1 & 3); WBHO & Motheo JV (Blocks 2, 4, 5 & 6); Pentacon Civils (Fox Street) • Architects: GASS Architecture Studios • Quantity Surveyor: Matla Quantity Surveyors • Landscape installation: Bidvest Top Turf
has been envi s ioned as a ful ly funct ional mixed-use development . The intent ion and concepts behind the development revolved around creat ing a precinct where fami l ies can truly l ive. through introducing commercial /retai l tenants that can support fami ly l iving ( tenants such as pharmacies , supermarkets , a school , a cl inic etc) . Jewel Ci ty i s thus not just a dest inat ion point in the CBD of Johannesburg but of fers a social ly and economical ly diverse envi ronment that fosters social sustainabi l i ty. The tenants at Jewel Ci ty take pride in the area they l ive/work in. Jewel Ci ty of fers safe spaces for people to enjoy the beauty of inner ci ty l iving whi lst providing the necessar y ameni t ies for publ ic spaces . One of the great successes of Jewel Ci ty l ies wi thin the way the precinct has been des igned hol i st ical ly wi th separate elements that each play thei r s igni ficant part in the urban sett ing of Johannesburg. Sustained by a bel ief in the transformat ive potent ial of urban des ign and archi tecture to catalyse economic and social energy, digni ty and prosperi ty, Diverci ty and GASS Archi tecture Studios has re-envi s ioned thi s al l -but-defunct industrial complex into a series of thought ful inter vent ions that breathe new l i fe into Johannesburg’s CBD, whi le remining respect ful of i ts heri tage. The Jewel City redevelopment broke ground in November 2018 and was completed in September 2020.
roaming guards . Each bui lding has a securi ty control room that caters for each individual bui lding. Edge accredi tat ion/s imulat ion was done wi th theoret ical resul ts for bui lding’s energy use, material use, and water use based on the post construct ion cri teria of the bui lding wi th favourable resul ts . Al l wet ser vices systems are des igned in accordance wi th Part XA of the Nat ional Bui lding Regulat ions , SANS 10400, which legi slates the des ign and instal lat ion of sustainable, energy ef ficient systems . Hot water i s generated via ai r-to-water heat pumps , which uses up to 66% less electrical energy than convent ional electric res i stance heat ing. Potable water pump systems were des igned by taking cogni sance of the ef ficiency of the pump motors and cons idering variable speed drive technology which reduces the pump dut ies and electrical usage in t imes of low demand. Low flow sani tar y fi tt ings were also part of the des ign to ensure a more sustainable development . The abovement ioned des ign principles have been implemented for both the res ident ial developments wi th s imi lar concepts for the commercial bui ldings . Local ly sourced materials were used as far as poss ible along wi th the use of local labour for various trades sourced through communi ty involvement processes and a CLO. Thi s process also ass i sted wi th the ri sk management through a successful inclus ion of local communi t ies wi thin the project . Jewel Ci ty
20 th Best Project Awards 2021
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