Construction World December 2021
K asteelpark Of fice Park i s located on the corner of Nossob Street and Jochemus Street , in Erasmuskloof, Pretoria. The of fice park cons i sts of five almost ident ical bui ldings of approximately 5 000 m² each: Buren, Nassau, Oranje, Leerdam and Katzenel lenbogen. These bui ldings were constructed during the early 1990s and des igned by the archi tectural company, Vennootskap Marai s & Du Pless i s in an attract ive moderni st style, wi th face-brick cladding throughout . A part icularly attract ive feature i s the use
of ‘pi lot i ’ or f reestanding columns at ground level , rai s ing the of fice space above the parking and creat ing vi rtual ly unobstructed views of the lush vegetat ion and abundance of trees on the campus . PIC approached Boogertman + Partners to des ign the comprehens ive refurbi shment of Kasteelpark fol lowing on f rom the successful refurbi shment of Cast le Walk shopping centre close to thi s property. The exi st ing bui ldings were outdated and in desperate need of a facel i f t to increase the cl ient ’s asset value and attract
66 20 th Best Project Awards 2021
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