Construction World December 2021
prospect ive tenants . A cont inuous archi tectural language was to be appl ied to the bui lding façades wi th the entrance to each bui lding being eas i ly di st ingui shable. The bui ldings and ameni t ies also had to be made compl iant wi th the Nat ional Bui lding Regulat ions . As a resul t l ight ing, HVAC, Wet Ser vices and Fi re Instal lat ions needed to be replaced. Oranje, Leerdam and Katzenel lenbogen fal l into Phase 1 of the refurbi shment process current ly underway. Archi tectural ly, Oranje received a new exterior face and interior renovat ion of the ci rculat ion core, lobbies , recept ions , atrium, ablut ions and pause areas whi le the other two bui ldings , home to Mi l i tar y
20 th Best Project Awards 2021
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