Construction World December 2021
A ri s ing f rom a hi stor y of a non-democrat ic society, South Af rica’s Const i tut ion has been hai led as one of the most progress ive in the world, a culminat ion of far reaching and inclus ive negot iat ions . Human rights and f reedoms are central to thi s document and are st ipulated as those of equal i ty, f reedom of express ion and associat ion, pol i t ical and property rights , hous ing, heal thcare, educat ion, access to informat ion, and access to courts . The fundamental goals which have guided the des ign process are: • Producing an envi ronmental ly respons ible des ign • Producing a des ign based on principals of nature and honest materials • Providing a democrat ic envi ronment for publ ic part icipat ion and interact ion • Providing a bui lding that i s eas i ly access ible and welcoming to the publ ic and respons ive to the heri tage of the s i te • Producing a concept that i s representat ive of the Department ’s cul ture and values • Creat ing a pleasurable and product ive work envi ronment for staf f • Providing a qual i ty bui lding which also encompasses Value for Money for the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform. • Create an iconic symbol of and for the ci ty, wi thin the l imi ts of af fordabi l i ty as prescribed in the RFP documents . The bui lding footprint i s strongly influenced by the urban fabric and spat ial organi sat ion of i ts context . The s i tuat ion of the overal l structure i s shaped by pass ive energy saving /sustainable principles ; the extent of glazed façade i s oriented along a north/ south axi s whi le the structure’s east /west ‘bookends’ are kept as sol id elements . As such the arrangement of the lengths of floorplates are in an east-westerly di rect ion. Thi s opt imal orientat ion, together wi th a useable floor depth of 17,5 m across al l blocks , permi ts the most ef fect ive l ight penetrat ion into the of fices and minimi ses low angle di rect sunl ight f rom the east and west . The bui lding’s locat ion clearly defines the streetscape and boundar y of the s i te. Thi s mass ing also di st ingui shes the faci l i t ies f rom the surrounding urban/ res ident ial fabric. A dramat ic open space i s created between the old (heri tage bui ldings) on the western edge of the s i te oppos i te the new of fices to the east . A layering of t ime wi l l be experienced wi th old and new closely integrated in i ts uses . A control led and secure dedicated road access for employees/staf f of the department has been planned to the north of the s i te of f Just ice Mohamed Street /
Rhodes Avenue. The lower podium level wi l l also provide access into the faci l i t ies for ser vice vehicles , making del iveries to the archives as wel l as providing the Mini ster and other VIP’s al ternate emergency exi t route. The ingress and egress points to thi s parkade are of f Just ice Mohamed Street and Rhodes Avenue. The VIP and publ ic access i s planned of f Li l ian Ngoyi Street at the intersect ion to Wi l low Road. A dedicated VIP parking garage i s di rect ly under i ts associated bui lding block on the upper podium level and i s secured. Publ ic parking i s also accessed at thi s intersect ion and i s pos i t ioned wi thin the upper podium level . A vert ical ci rculat ion core wi thin thi s secure publ ic parking area wi l l move vi s i tors up to the top of the podium where a securi ty screening point wi l l moni tor and vet the publ ic access ing the precinct . The proposed new bui lding has been planned to be del iberately di f ferent in i ts archi tectural approach and des ign language to the exi st ing heri tage structures . I t has been set back f rom these hi storic bui ldings to not impose on thei r presence or scale. A bermed landscaped lawn area i s created between the exi st ing and new structures which creates a neutral space for these two oppos ing structures to be mar vel led at . The berming of the landscape on the western and northern edges of the structure al lows for a di rect trans i t ion f rom the publ ic and private realms to the field. Thi s open area i s envi saged as a people f riendly space to be ut i l i sed and experienced by al l . The planning of thi s space has been strongly influenced by the injust ices of the past ; by attempt ing to abstract ly reverse the hierarchy and social order of open space and create a publ ic realm that i s access ible and open to al l . The bui lding aims to ut i l i se as much natural l ight as poss ible. The main goal i s to reduce the bui lding‘s dependency on electrical l ight .
• Company entering: Boogertman + Partners Architects • Project start date: March 2021 • Project end date: December 2022 • Client: Tshala bese uyavuna • Main Contractor: WBHO and Mhlaba Properties • Architect: Boogertman + Partners • Project Managers: WBHO and Mhlaba Properties • Quantity Surveyor: AECOM • Consulting Engineer: Pure Consulting
76 20 th Best Project Awards 2021
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