Construction World December 2022



H arbour Arch Tower 1 i s the fi rst of s ix towers that wi l l transform the Cape Town Skyl ine. Tower 1 i s a 104 m high- ri se bui lding cons i st ing of modern urban retai l and res ident ial space, overlooking the picturesque harbour and Table Mountain. The Tower 1 project started in September 2020 and wi l l be completed in May 2023. I t has a contract value of R1,06b. The bui lding has a total basement and parking area of 45 422 m 2 and wi l l house 560 Apartments over 24 Floors , which includes high-end luxur y apartments (478) as wel l as af fordable uni ts (82) . The bui lding has a ver y complex plastered façade, that i s divided into three sect ions by us ing cant i lever scaf fold brackets . Thi s enabled the bui lding to be plastered and painted whi le construct ion of the structure was st i l l underway at the top. Thi s made the project a fi rst of i ts kind when i t comes to faÇade scaf fold innovat ion. Thi s project wi l l al low the for integrat ion of people to create an inclus ive and sustainable l iving and l i festyle space that wi l l lead the way in the transformat ion of Cape Town’s property Sector. Harbour Arch i s strategical ly pos i t ioned at the gateway of the vibrant cape Town CBD. Harbour Arch’s except ional locat ion wi l l ensure that i t i s the most vi s ible and eas i ly accessed development in the CBD. Cape Town’s newest mixed-use precinct i s located at the confluence of the N1 and N2 highways making i t highly vi s ible to anyone arriving in the ci ty. Thi s unrival led locat ion wi l l also provide quick and easy vehicular access to the ai rport , the southern suburbs , the northern suburbs , the At lant ic seaboard and the winelands . Res idents wi l l be able to l ink ef fort lessly to

the neighbourhood, the ci ty, and the world. Excel lent transport connect ions for vehicles via the N1 and N2 highways , as wel l as access to the BRT routes make Harbour Arch eas i ly access ible by car, bus , shutt le, taxi , bike and rai l . Harbour Arch wi l l become Cape Town's largest and most ambi t ious sustainable mixed-use development . Like Mel rose Arch, i t wi l l be bui l t on sustainable principles and eco- f riendly innovat ion. Integrated green bui lding ini t iat ives wi l l include refuse recycl ing, water-saving devices and rainwater har vest ing, a central i sed di strict cool ing faci l i ty and low-energy LED l ight ing. Wi thin the vibrant pedestrian- f riendly Harbour Arch precinct you wi l l find al l your dai ly needs taken care of – restaurants , cocktai l bars , shopping, hotels , banking, medical ser vices , heal th clubs , entertainment and much more. 


• Company entering: WBHO Construction • Start date: September 2020 • End date: May 2023 • Main Contractor: WBHO Construction • Architect: Bentel Associates • Principal Agent: Orion Project Managers • Project Manager: Orion Project Managers • Quantity Surveyor: D’Arcy Hedding Cape • Consulting Engineer: Zutari

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