Construction World December 2022
NELSON MANDELA UNIVERSITY – E BLOCK EXTENSION T he cl ient brief played a cri t ical role during the conceptual i zat ion, des ign and construct ion stages . Attent ion to detai l and execut ion was imperious during
the project as thi s would ser ve as new ident i ty for Nelson Mandela Ocean Science department , which wi l l furni sh a series of dedicated academic spaces wi thin a special i sed research envi ronment . Wi th a bui ld of thi s speci fic and special i sed nature, t imeous planning was imperat ive as chal lenges prevai led due to the enormous programme constraints caused by COVID pandemic lockdowns and secondly the prevai l ing factor of water shortage across the region which demanded caut ion and al ternat ive water sources to ensure cont inui ty of construct ion and future operat ions of the completed bui ld i tsel f. The bui lding was conceptual i sed as a large internal veranda space, art iculated as a triple-volume, mul t i - layered foyer space which l inks the main ci rculat ion spine wi th the more private spaces wi thin. The internal planning contains a number of dedicated research spaces , special i sed laboratories , of fices , meet ing areas as wel l as an eight-metre-deep diving tank used for training purposes , which forms an integral part of the western façade art iculat ion. The special i sed labs had to meet speci fic standards wi th requi red a fine combed HVAC system instal lat ion, and instrument spaces to handle flora and fauna samples which ser ve evidence of ocean l i fe. As thi s i s not a typical student campus , intens ive integrat ion of securi ty and access systems have been incorporated to faci l i tate cont inuous moni toring of areas through the use of CCTV systems and access control measures wi thin the faci l i ty. A three dimens ional sun-screen layer further art iculates the main bui lding façade whi le defining a unique aesthet ic internal ly through the ever-changing shadow patterns throughout the day Mot ivat ing facts about the project : • The overal l concept / archi tectural intricacies of the bui ld were even the minor detai ls resul ted in di st inct di sparate elements which al l fused to
• Company entering: WBHO Construction • Project start date: 24 May 2021 • Project end date: 30 August 2022 • Client: Nelson Mandela Uninversity • Principal Agent: SVA International • Architects: Lead and principal – SVA International
• Main Contractor: WBHO Construction • Civil Engineer: BVi Consulting Engineers • Quantity Surveyors: C himora Group • Electrical : Bosch Projects • Health and Safety Compliance: McSafe
showcase a masterpiece in a larger compos i t ion. • Faci l i ty boasts of sophi st icated internal fini shes , which exceeded expectat ions • The mind boggl ing qual i ty of the bui lding achieved amid prevai l ing water scarci ty in the region which could have eas i ly had a negat ive ef fect during the construct ion processes , secondly the resul ts of COVID each proved to be a nightmare for the construct ion industr y. • Thi s sophi st icated bui ld flags as a state-of-the art space for research which wi l l create qual i ty working condi t ions for the end- users . • Prevai l ing chal lenges during the construct ion process also ser ved as form of mot ivat ion for the contractor and in-depth construct ion knowledge was acqui red which would be beneficial in the long term and on any other faci l i ty of thi s nature. • Thi s bui lding extens ion i s one that NMU wi l l be proud of.
T hi s a new Newmark conferencing faci l i ty, gym and res ident ial development I t const i tutes 397 apartments of between 23-30 square metres each wi th larger penthouse apartments on the top two floors . There i s a pool and entertainment area on 18 th floor wi th views of the CBD and Harbour. hotel wi th restaurant ,
• Company entering: WBHO Construction • Client: Incocure • Start date: April 2019 • End date: December 2021 • Main Contractor: WBHO Construction • Architect: MLB Architects • Principal Agent: JMHT Quantity Surveyors • Project Manager: JMHT Quantity Surveyors • Quantity Surveyor: JMHT Quantity Surveyors • Consulting Engineer: Sutherland Engineers
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