Construction World December 2022


• Company entering: CHRYSO Southern Africa & Scribante Concrete • Client: ACWA Power • Start date: 1 May 2021 • End date: Q4 2023 • Main Contractor: SEPCO III • Specialist Supplier: CHRYSO Southern Africa & Scribante Concrete PROJECT INFORMATION

REDSTONE SOLAR THERMAL POWER PLANT T he Redstone Solar Thermal Power Plant (Redstone

Thermal Power Project features mol ten sal t energy storage technology in a tower configurat ion wi th the capabi l i ty to support South Af rica’s demand for energy when i t ’s needed most – day and night . The 100 MW project wi th 12 hours of ful l - load energy storage wi l l be able to rel iably del iver a stable electrici ty supply to more than 200 000 South Af rican homes during peak demand periods , even wel l af ter the sun has set . Fuel led completely by the sun, wi th no backup fuel requi red, the project also features dr y cool ing of the power generat ion cycle as an important element to minimi se water use. Wi th the lowest del ivered electrici ty price of any CSP project in the countr y to date, the Redstone project wi l l generate more than 480 000 megawatt-hours per year. Thi s annual output i s more than twice that of other technologies per MW of capaci ty, such as photovol taics (PV) or di rect steam solar thermal . 

SCP) has been developed to meet the increas ing electrici ty demands in the Republ ic of South Af rica, which forms part of the South Af rican Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer (REIPP) Procurement program. I t i s the fi rst and largest CSP financed mol ten sal t central receiver project in South Af rica. The project owner i s ACWA Power, Eskom i s the of f-taker, and SEPCOI I I Electric Power Construct ion Co Ltd i s the EPC Contractor for thi s project . CHRYSO i s the admixture suppl ier and Scribante Concrete i s the concrete suppl ier for the project . Scribante Concrete's mobi le batching plant was erected at the s i te. Thi s project s i te i s located on the remainder of the farm 469, The Hay Di strict (Admini strat ion Di strict ) , approximately 5 km South East of the Groundwater communi ty and 30 km East of Postmasburg & fal ls wi thin the juri sdict ion of the Tsantsabane Local Municipal i ty of the ZF Mcgawu Di strict in the Northern Cape Province, South Af rica. The project 's scope includes engineering, procurement , construct ion, commi ss ioning and maintenance of the 100 MWe Net Concentrated Solar Power Redstone Project . The Redstone Solar Thermal Plant construct ion i s cons idered one of the largest innovat ions of 2022. Located in the Northern Cape Province of South Af rica, the Redstone CSP project wi l l be equipped wi th a 12-hour thermal storage system that wi l l del iver clean and rel iable electrici ty to nearly 200 000 households around the clock . Commencement of operat ions i s scheduled for Q4 2023. In addi t ion to ef ficient ly del ivering clean energy to the nat ional grid, the Redstone project wi l l of fer tangible socioeconomic value through ut i l i s ing local supply chains and creat ing job opportuni t ies : the project wi l l reach close to 44% local content on procurement during the construct ion period; create more than 2 000 construct ion jobs at peak , wi th about 400 f rom the local communi ty; and create approximately 100 permanent di rect jobs during the operat ing period. The fi rst of i ts kind in Af rica, the Redstone Solar

50 21 st Best Project Awards 2022

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