Construction World December 2022


B louberg Municipal i ty harnessed precast-concrete technology to help s igni ficant ly fast-track the construct ion of a large grandstand for a communi ty sports and recreat ional centre that was bui l t in Senwabarwana, Limpopo. The technology i s also providing a more cost-ef fect ive means of bui lding these structures and an end product of a higher qual i ty, both in terms of durabi l i ty and aesthet ics . On thi s project , Corestruc and Infini te Consul t ing Engineers worked alongs ide Chi sa Mul t i Projects , the principal contractor, and Si zeya Consul t ing Engineers , which des igned and super vi sed the construct ion works . The grandstand was erected in as l i tt le as four months . Able to seat 3 500 people, the grandstand was des igned by Infini te Consul t ing Engineers and erected by Corestruc. The companies have joint ly bui l t more than 30 precast-concrete grandstands in the countr y over the years for sports and recreat ional centres . The approved manufacturer of the system commenced producing the various precast-concrete elements for the grandstand in mid-October 2021. The manufacture of the 20 tapered columns , as wel l as 20 f ront-end and 20 top raker beams were completed in mid-Januar y 2022. Thi s i s in addi t ion to the more than 340 seat ing benches , 19 back benches , 34 s ide panels and 76 steps , as wel l as the structural steel bracing for the structure. Meanwhi le, the principal contractor commenced construct ing the foundat ions for the structure in mid October 2021. They were completed before the bui lders’ shutdown period that year to enable Corestruc to start erect ing the structure in Januar y 2022. Thi s prel iminar y work included


21 st Best Project Awards 2022

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