Construction World December 2022


excavat ion; placement of the stabi l i sed fi l l ; and construct ion of the in-s i tu 10MPa concrete bases . Constructed in sound founding material , the concrete bases for the f ront raker beams and f ront columns are 500 mm thick . Work started wi th the instal lat ion of the middle precast-concrete elements . The top of the columns was set out wi th coordinates to confi rm the plumb and pos i t ion. Thi s was fol lowed by the l ining up of the f ront raker beams wi th the top and bottom bol ts of the columns and then fastening them in place. Corestruc then instal led the rear columns , again sett ing out the top of the precast-concrete elements wi th coordinates to confi rm the plumb and pos i t ion. The columns were then braced wi th structural steel . Thi s provided the cri t ical stabi l i ty that was requi red at thi s stage of the erect ion process , cons idering the slenderness of the columns . The top raker beams were then instal led in the same way that the f ront elements were placed. Af terwards , they were braced hori zontal ly in a s imi lar sequence to that used for the back columns . Thi s was fol lowed by the placement of the many seat ing benches . Corestruc’s team achieves tolerances of 3 mm when connect ing the precast-concrete elements to the foundat ions and 5 mm when integrat ing the other components of the system. Infini te Consul t ing Engineers and Corestruc have been refining and per fect ing thi s modular system

s ince 2012. The focus has been on des igning an “of f the-shel f system” that reduces erect ion t ime and only requi res minor des ign modi ficat ions – i f necessar y. Thi s has been achieved by standardi s ing and reducing the number of prestressed precast-concrete elements , whi le the use of cur ved columns and flat sur faces for the rakers , benches and s ide panels has also faci l i tated quick and ef ficient instal lat ion. Infini te Consul t ing Engineers has also refined the method of connect ing the various precast-concrete elements over the years . The columns are connected to the in-s i tu bases by components that have been cast into the precast concrete elements and secured us ing hold-down bol ts in the base. 

• Company entering: Corestruc • Client: Blouberg Municipality • Start date: 22 September 2021 • End date: 7 March 2022 • Main Constractor: Chisa Multi Projects • Consulting Engineers: Sizeya Consulting Engineers PROJECT INFORMATION

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