Construction World December 2022

generate drawing numbers , as wel l as al l the relevant manufacturing drawings needed for the manufacture of parts . • The program could generate a detai led Bi l l of Quant i t ies (BoQ) geared to the cl ient ’s speci ficat ions and document needs . Construct ion moni toring ut i l i s ing the construct ion moni toring tool ‘Elements’ al lowed weekly progress reports to be represented in 3D models . Us ing drone sur veys and the model al lowed ef ficient report ing of s i te progress and measurement of quant i t ies , saving t ime-tracking progress . Zutari ’s 7SecondSolar tool ass i sts cl ients wi th layouts , cable rout ing opt ions and equipment select ions . I t provides detai led and des ign- level accuracy BoQ, total and block- level trenching di stances and cable schedules for al l LV components and cables for the solar PV plant . In addi t ion, unl imi ted i terat ions of block des igns , s i te layouts , archi tecture opt ions and equipment select ion are avai lable. Whi le most of these outputs feed into Zutari ’s engineering analys i s and des ign, seeing thi s level of detai l for each equipment or layout opt ion al lows the cl ient to make except ional ly wel l - informed deci s ions on opt imi s ing the plant to thei r requi rements . Applying 7SecondSolar opt imi sat ion contributes s igni ficant savings in both capi tal expendi ture and energy losses . Golomot i showcases the future of des ign where the best solut ions are human-centred and planet-minded. Creat ing the best solut ion i s finding the sweet spot – the intersect ion between bus iness viabi l i ty, technical feas ibi l i ty, human des i rabi l i ty, and envi ronmental sustainabi l i ty. Golomot i Solar showcases how thi s can be achieved in real i ty. The team’s adaptabi l i ty and res i l ience, together wi th ef fect ive partnering, enabled work in-countr y, such as the geotechnical invest igat ion and pi le test ing, to cont inue through the intense COVID-19 lockdowns and mul t iple waves . Adaptabi l i ty was also showcased by the electrical team, which procured f rom a worldwide array of equipment to give the cl ient flexibi l i ty in select ion, opt imi s ing costs and logi st ics . These are essent ial cons iderat ions for a land- locked countr y where equipment must be sourced global ly. Civi l des igns were opt imi sed to reduce costs by des igning earthworks and drainage us ing local ly avai lable materials . Drainage was crucial , as the solut ion needed to cons ider the broader impact on the surrounding vi l lages . Golomot i i s the fi rst project to be bui l t based on a des ign us ing Zutari ’s latest computat ional des ign tool , 7SecondSolar. I t al lowed Zutari to del iver a customi sed and flexible Solar PV des ign experience to the cl ient , JCM Power, that i s not avai lable anywhere else on the market today. Through 7SecondSolar, Zutari enabled JCM Power to make highly informed des ign deci s ions much earl ier whi le potent ial ly al lowing them to commi t to equipment suppl iers much later. In addi t ion, 7SecondSolar al lowed Zutari to provide JCM wi th detai led BoQs and engineering calculat ions , including cable vol t , drops , power losses and trench detai l , wi th advanced vi sual i sat ions in unprecedented short turnaround t imes . 

to COVID-19 travel restrict ions to understand s i te condi t ions . Creat ivi ty was appl ied in art iculat ing the foundat ion ri sks to the cl ient and developing an adapt ive construct ion process to s i te condi t ions , enabl ing the cl ient and contractor to make informed deci s ions . The development of a power plant requi res an extens ive array of expert i se and di scipl ines . Zutari brought together a sol id team for the project , including civi ls , geotechnical and electrical compri s ing substat ion and overhead l ines , grid code compl iance, protect ion study, l ightning and earthing protect ion expert i se and digi tal ski l ls in the form of 3D vi sual i sat ion, 3D des ign and automat ion. Such technical master y, led by eminent pract i t ioners in each of these fields , occurring al l in one team i s unique, and Zutari brought thi s to the project . Some ver y complex problems were solved through col laborat ion across the teams and wi th the cl ient us ing digi tal tools . The project demonstrates best- in-class . Instead of overwhelming project team members wi th large numbers of drawings and speci ficat ion sheets , they were shown one s ingle Zutari 3D model that embodied al l the equipment and layouts and was ful ly speci fied concerning dimens ions and working clearances to meet the requi red standards . The des i red detai l could be revealed wi th a tap on the screen. Thi s provided informat ion on cable works , trench depths , cable spacing, backfi l l ing, danger tape and cross ing of f other ser vices , such as drainage and oi l pipes , which could be indicated below ground level . Benefi ts of the use of Zutari ’s advanced 3D des ign technology for the electrical substat ions included: • Enhanced accuracy through the increased exposure and reviews of ever y port ion of the des ign. • Des ign refinements were made to the manufacturing drawings for steelworks us ing accurate, detai led 3D models . Thi s ensured al l parts fi t together. • The detai led 3D des ign could be used to


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