Construction World December 2022


I n 2007 Golder Af rica (now WSP in Af rica) and Metago (now SLR Consul t ing) were appointed, to and in 2009 completed the des ign of the Doornpoort Tai l ings Storage Faci l i ty (TSF) , a 400 ha TSF wi th a 14 ha, one mi l l ion cubic metre HDPE l ined Return Water Dam (RWD) . The des ign of the TSF included, but was not l imi ted to, the fol lowing inf rastructure: • Earthfi l l starter wal ls . • Concrete encased penstock decant out fal l pipel ine including s ix temporar y penstock intakes and one permanent penstock . • Underdrainage systems wi thin the TSF ( toe drain, main drain and cut-of f curtain drains) along wi th a drainage col lect ion system downstream of the TSF wal l . • Catchment paddocks wi th associate decant structures . • Si l t trap. • Three pump stat ions (2x slurr y and 1x water ) .

appoint ing the same consul tants and as the owners’ team for Phase 2 (140 ha) and again WBHO was appointed as the main contractor for a 1-year project . The main components of the Phase 2 project cons i sted of bulk earthworks , main and toe drains , two concrete penstock towers , choke stat ion and 4,6 km of steel HDPE l ined pipel ines . 


• Company entering: WSP Group Africa and SLR Consulting • Client: Gold Fields South Deep Mine • Start date: 16 May 2021 • End date: 3 1 September 2022 • Main Contractor: WBHO • Project Manager: WSP Group Africa • Quantity Surveyor: Bossert KPO • Consulting Engineers: WSP Group Africa and SLR Consulting

• Three motor control centres . • 12 km of overhead powerl ine. • Two provincial road cross ings . • 35 km of steel HDPE l ined pipel ines .

Due to WSP and SLR’s hi stor y wi th providing project management and res ident engineering support during the success of Phase 1, the cl ient saw the benefi t of


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