Construction World December 2022



• Company entering: dhk Architects • Client: RDC Property Group • Start date: Design (November 2014) and on site (May 2019) • Main Contractor: GVK Siya-Zama • Architect: dhk Architects • Principal Agent: Iqual Project Managers • Quantity Surveyor: Smith and Co. • Consulting Engineer: Sutherland Engineers

A complex structural analys i s and inter vent ion was requi red to carr y the load of the four addi t ional floors onto the exi st ing structure. A large percentage of the foundat ions had to be enlarged, underpinned or replaced. Extens ive temporar y steel structures were requi red to faci l i tate façade retent ion during construct ion as wel l as the removal and/or strengthening of columns and slabs . The retai l /of fice centre was previously becoming di sused fol lowing the opening of the larger Cape Quarter and was in need of a major upgrade. The redes ign demonstrates a true mixed-use envi ronment wi th retai l , of fice and res ident ial spaces surrounding a publ icly access ible courtyard which al lows the surrounding communi ty to pos i t ively OLD CAPE QUARTER

interact as a tenant or patron, faci l i tat ing the meet ing of l ikeminded people. Furthermore, the development provided employment during construct ion, as wel l as via the ser vicing of the bui lding post-construct ion. Securi ty in the precinct i s enhanced by having a 24/7 mixed use precinct wi th act ivated street f rontages . Adapt ive reuse/extens ion: Rather than demol i sh the exi st ing structure and bui ld a new bui lding, the deci s ion was taken to retain the exi st ing structure, street facades and parking below (wi th minor strategic demol i t ion where absolutely essent ial ) and to des ign an addi t ional contemporar y four- floor archi tectural inter vent ion above, which intent ional ly contrasts wi th the heri tage bui ldings on Waterkant and Hudson Streets . Reconfiguring the exi st ing internal layouts and courtyard footprint as wel l as adding four levels onto the exi st ing structure led to an innovat ive layered hybrid development ,

76 21 st Best Project Awards 2022

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