Construction World December 2022

project demonstrates : • Adherence to the Ci ty Dens i ficat ion Strategy. • Enhancement of a publ icly access ible landscaped courtyard. • Reduct ion of energy loading requi rements : through a double-glazed per formance façade to reduce solar heat gain, opt imi sat ion of the exposed MEP ser vices speci ficat ion, and intel l igent pass ive des ign measures . • A wel l -cons idered material select ion. • Future-proofed des ign for di f ferent tenant types on lower ground, ground and fi rst floors . • No addi t ional parking bui l t on s i te over than exi st ing. From the archi tects’ t ime/cost perspect ive thi s project requi red a di sproport ionate amount of t ime and costs in preparat ion and approval of a des ign which could be approved by the neighbourhood comment ing bodies , Ci ty and provincial Heri tage Bodies , Ci ty Zoning and Construct ion Plans approval . In terms of cost and qual i ty, the cl ient (Tower Property Fund at the t ime) understood the need to balance the project viabi l i ty wi th a bui lding that requi red a high level of speci ficat ion for the facades , landscaping and interiors due to the bui lding context as wel l as the target market for tenants and apartment purchasers . The complexi ty of the construct ion onto exi st ing

which resul ted in a unique inter vent ion. Fragmentat ion of form: The smal ler scale and f ragmented character of the hi storic De Waterkant context i s referenced rather than mimicking as a past iche. Thi s was achieved by f ragment ing the bui lding mass into smal ler di st inct plastered masonr y forms , respect ful ly set back f rom the exi st ing streets f rontages . FaÇades : Di ss imi lar to most high-end res ident ial schemes in Cape Town (wi th the expressed slab edges and maximi zed glaz ing) thi s contemporar y plastered wal l structure features punctured window apertures that var y in s i ze, al ignment and depth to create a contemporar y addi t ion to the exi st ing bui ldings . The adaptat ive reuse and extens ion of the exi st ing bui lding i s the key driver of envi ronmental sustainabi l i ty as substant ial embodied energy savings are made by repurpos ing bui ldings . Furthermore, the

bui ldings in terms of programme, unexpected di scoveries on s i te and cost thereof made the viabi l i ty chal lenging. 


21 st Best Project Awards 2022

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