Construction World February 2020


L eading property developer and investor Atterbury has successfully completed the GHYHORSPHQW RI WKH 085 P 5 PLOOLRQ Bo’Valon Mall in Mahebourg on the island paradise of Mauritius. Bo’Valon Mall is a joint venture development between Atterbury and EnAtt. The mall takes its name for the village it is in, Beau Valon, which means 'beautiful valley'. 7KH WRS QRWFK GHYHORSPHQW EULQJV H[FLWLQJ and convenient shopping to the south of Mauritius in a mall that stands proud with the very best the island has to offer. The development was delivered on schedule and opened its doors on 1RYHPEHU ZLWK LWV RͦFLDO inauguration ceremony taking place a ZHHN ODWHU RQ 1RYHPEHU Attracting strong leasing demand, the Bo’Valon opened fully-let with nearly 50 shops, restaurants and services. Anchor tenants are Kingsavers and Espace Maison, supported by fashion brands such as GoSports, Vesti One, Quicksilver, City Sports, and others. Its food court adds a vibrant social element to the mall and houses well-known South African brands such as Spur and Panarottis. It also includes a fun children’s SOD\ DUHD 7KH ͤUVW FODVV UHWDLO PDOO HQMR\V a superb location that is easily accessible from the roads servicing Mahebourg and The year-long construction project has created a shopping centre with 10 500 m of gross lettable area.

Blue Bay and offers ample on-grade parking for customers. Pieter Olivier, Development Manager DW $WWHUEXU\ VD\V ̸%R̵9DORQ 0DOO LV XQOLNH anything the area has seen before. Apart from the shopping convenience, variety and leisure options it offers the local residents under one roof, I truly believe this mall has WXUQHG RXW H[FHSWLRQDOO\ ZHOO ̹ 2OLYLHU DGGV ̸7KLV LV D IDFLOLW\ WKH local shoppers can be very proud of. Its development has been an immensely SRVLWLYH H[SHULHQFH DQG %R̵9DORQ 0DOO has been welcomed by Mahebourg locals who are delighted to have one of the best VKRSSLQJ GHVWLQDWLRQV RQ WKH LVODQG ̹ The build-up to the mall’s opening saw the community getting involved in an event called ‘Laiss to Trace’ where children made KDQG LPSULQWV LQ D VWULS RI FRQFUHWH QH[W WR the mall. The mall’s opening day featured one of Mauritius’s most popular artists, Zulu, performing an original song especially written for the occasion. The development of Bo’Valon continues Atterbury’s ongoing investment and FRQͤGHQFH LQ 0DXULWLXV ZKHUH LW KDV established a formidable presence and track record, including the development of the landmark Bagatelle Mall of Mauritius. 7KLV \HDU $WWHUEXU\ LV FHOHEUDWLQJ \HDUV RI GHYHORSLQJ SULPH RͦFH LQGXVWULDO UHWDLO PL[HG XVH DQG UHVLGHQWLDO SURSHUW\ across South Africa, the rest of the African continent and Europe. ƒ

LQ LWV VHFRQG SKDVH 7KH ͤUVW UHVLGHQWV KDYH starting moving into the new apartments EXLOW RQ LWV URRI DQG WKRVH RQ OHYHO VL[ RI WKH revamped block one building this month. /HYHO ͤYH ZLOO EHFRPH DYDLODEOH LQ -DQXDU\ ZLWK D QHZ ͥRRU RI DSDUWPHQWV EHLQJ released every month after that, until the EXLOGLQJ LV FRPSOHWHG LQ -XO\ The structure of the new residential EXLOGLQJ EORFN VL[ KDV DOUHDG\ WRSSHG RXW DQG LWV DSDUWPHQWV DUH EHLQJ ͤWWHG RXW ,W ZLOO EH UHDG\ IRU LWV ͤUVW UHVLGHQWV IURP $SULO DQG FRPSOHWHG E\ -XO\ The precinct will be rich in amenities. The GHYHORSPHQW̵V ͤUVW P RI FRPPHUFLDO space includes Curro, which began teaching at its new high school in Jewel City from -DQXDU\ 7KH URRI RI &XUUR̵V EXLOGLQJ %ORFN LQFOXGHV )LYHV )XWERO̵V ͤYH D VLGH IRRWEDOO ͤHOGV ZKLFK ZLOO EH XVHG by the school’s students during school hours and operate commercially during non-school KRXUV ̸:H DUH GHOLJKWHG WR DQQRXQFH WKDW DOO UHWDLO VSDFH LQ WKH ͤUVW SKDVH RI -HZHO &LW\ LV DOUHDG\ IXOO\ OHW̹ UHYHDOV 3DXW] Jewel City has attracted top-tier retailers like Shoprite, Shoprite Liquor, Shoprite K’nect, Pep, Pep Cell, Clicks, MedeServe, PostNet, Chicken Licken, McDonald’s and Steers and Debonairs in a combined store. 0DUNLQJ WKH ͤUVW SKDVH RI RSHQLQJ WKH long-closed doors to the Jewel City precinct, )R[ 6WUHHW ZLOO EH UHRSHQHG LQ -DQXDU\ $QG PDNLQJ H[FHOOHQW FRQVWUXFWLRQ SURJUHVV WKH GHYHORSHUV FRQͤUP WKH precinct will be completed and live by June ZLWK WKH PDVWHU SURJUDPPH IRU WKH SUHFLQFW EHLQJ RUFKHVWUDWHG VR WKDW DOO VL[ EXLOGLQJV RI WKH ͤUVW SKDVH ZLOO EH FRPSOHWHG at the same time. ƒ

Ribbon cutting ceremony picture from left: Rameswar Doolub – Marketing & Communication Director at King Savers, Mahendranuth Sharma Hurreeram – Minister of National Infrastructure and Community Development, Alain Saverettiar – Director of King Savers and Frederic Tyack – CEO of Ascencia.



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