Construction World February 2020
HEALTH & SAFETY: KEY DRIVERS H ealth and safety are key drivers for Concor Buildings at the FRQVWUXFWLRQ RI 2[IRUG 3DUNV 3KDVH , ZKLFK LV GXH IRU FRPSOHWLRQ LQ VWDJHV GXULQJ 7KLV SURMHFW FRPSULVHV WKH FRQVWUXFWLRQ RI IRXU PL[HG XVH SUHPLXP RͦFH DQG UHWDLO EXLOGLQJV DQG D ͤIWK EXLOGLQJ which will house a hotel. Accommodating the workforce and all subcontractors required for the simultaneous construction of the various structures, means that there can be no compromise on health and safety. *RGIUH\ %DOR\L &RQFRU %XLOGLQJV +6( SUDFWLWLRQHU RQ VLWH H[SODLQV that Concor’s internal health and safety policies are applied in line with those of ComPrac Holdings who has been appointed health and safety compliance consultant. As part of the stringent safety requirements, Baloyi audits and HQVXUHV WKDW WKH VDIHW\ ͤOHV RI DOO VXEFRQWUDFWRUV DUH DOLJQHG ZLWK WKRVH of Concor Buildings. All site staff undergo an initial safety induction before they can commence their duties, and issues of concern are DGGUHVVHG DW ZHHNO\ WRROER[ WDONV 'DLO\ SODQQLQJ DQG VDIHW\ PHHWLQJV FRQͤUP WKH SULRULW\ JLYHQ WR KHDOWK DQG VDIHW\ RQ VLWH Safety is enforced through a policy of Visible Felt Leadership (VFL). The implementation of this policy is a two-way approach. When a potential health or safety infringement or a life-threatening situation is observed, activity is stopped immediately, and corrective coaching is given. Major incident prevention (MIP) is the second approach. To this end, foremen and section leaders are required to check that the site is safe, while the contract manager ensures that all documentation relating to FRPSHWHQFH DQG FHUWLͤFDWLRQ DUH LQ SODFH LQ WHUPV RI WKH 26+ $FW Bennie de Koker, Concor Buildings HSE Manager, says that in the SDVW VDIHW\ RQ VLWH ZDV WKH UHVSRQVLELOLW\ RI VDIHW\ RͦFHUV RQO\ ̸7RGD\ safety is fortunately no longer seen in isolation, but as a collaborative effort on the part of everyone on site. Continuous coaching and DZDUHQHVV FDPSDLJQV DUH FULWLFDO ̹ A new innovative concept has been introduced on this site by Concor %XLOGLQJV ̸8QGHUVWDQGLQJ WKH LPSDFW RI YLVXDOV ZRUNHUV DUH VKRZQ D SLFWXUH DQG DUH DVNHG WR LGHQWLI\ XQVDIH RU SRWHQWLDOO\ KD]DUGRXV SUDFWLFHV DQG WR VXJJHVW FRUUHFWLYH DFWLRQ̹ 'H .RNHU VD\V ̸7KLV PHWKRG of interactive discussion is proving to have great impact when used in FRQMXQFWLRQ ZLWK WUDGLWLRQDO VDIHW\ LQVWUXFWLRQV ̹ 'H .RNHU DQG %DOR\L MRLQWO\ KDYH PRUH WKDQ \HDUV RI H[SHULHQFH and both are registered Construction Health and Safety Professionals with The South African Council for the Project and Construction Management Professions (SACPCMP), attesting to Concor’s commitment to observing safe practices.
From left: Godfrey Baloyi, Concor Buildings HSE practitioner and Bennie de Koker, Concor Buildings HSE manager.
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