Construction World February 2020
MELROSE ARCH extension demolitions
aggregate to be used on another site. ICON’s latest hammers and crushers will be used for this purpose. ̸7UDGLWLRQDOO\ UXEEOH IURP WKLV W\SH RI GHPROLWLRQ LV VSRLOW LQWR D ODQGͤOO RU GXPS VLWHV ,&21 LV SURYLGLQJ $PGHF 3URSHUW\ Developments with double sustainability savings through the re-use of the crushed building material, meaning that they do not need to import natural aggregate from a quarry, dramatically reducing the FDUERQ IRRWSULQW RI WKH SURMHFW̹ VWDWHV 1HDU\ 7KH ELJJHVW FKDOOHQJH IRU WKLV SURMHFW LV ZRUNLQJ LQ FORVH SUR[LPLW\ WR KLJK GHQVLW\ EXLOGLQJV LQ KLJK IRRW DQG YHKLFXODU WUDͦF ]RQHV ,Q addition to stringent safety measures, ICON has to be conscious in terms of both dust as well as noise levels. Measures to mitigate this includes the use of dust suppression technologies like water tankers and being noise conscious by adjusting working times and hours.
I CON Earthworks, part of the ICON Group, is well on track to complete the demolition of a number of older buildings to PDNH ZD\ IRU WKH H[SDQVLRQ RI WKH 0HOURVH $UFK 3UHFLQFW 7KH 5 PLOOLRQ FRQWUDFW IRU WKH GHPROLWLRQ RI IRXU EXLOGLQJV ZDV awarded to the ICON Group by Amdec Property Developments at WKH HQG RI 1RYHPEHU IRU FRPSOHWLRQ LQ 0DUFK ,&21 LV the principle contractor for the demolition, safety and community management for the project. The contract includes the demolition and removal from site of four multi-story apartment blocks situated in the densely populated area of Corlett Drive. The buildings being demolished are up to 50 years old and the form and function of these buildings have not kept pace with modern trends and lifestyles. The area that is being demolished is making way for a super basement under Melrose Arch as well as the construction of a PL[HG XVH EXLOGLQJ RQ WKH VLWH ̸$VLGH IURP WKH XVXDO ͤHUFH SULFLQJ competition for projects such as these, we believe that owning our RZQ HTXLSPHQW JLYHV XV D GLVWLQFW DGYDQWDJH̹ VD\V :D\QH 1HDU\ 0DQDJLQJ 'LUHFWRU RI WKH ,&21 *URXS ̸,Q DGGLWLRQ WR WKLV RXU IRFXV on sustainable construction practices sets us apart, all of the building material that we salvage from this site will be crushed as
Wayne Neary, Managing Director of the ICON Group.
The ICON Group, established over 30 years ago, is the trusted provider of bulk earthworks, demolitions and other related civil engineering and construction services that are needed to get a commercial, industrial or mining site into an ideal state of build readiness. The ICON Group has an unrivalled reputation IRU GHOLYHULQJ RQ VSHFLͤFDWLRQ DQG ZHOO ZLWKLQ WKH GHDGOLQHV provided. ABOUT ICON GROUP
POWERING AFRICA – A LOCAL PERSPECTIVE Africa has long been touted as the next rising global giant with more than half of the global population growth between now and 2050 expected to come from the continent. Africa is also experiencing a steady increase in economic activity, albeit from a relatively low base. The World Bank is expecting sub-Saharan Africa to grow at an average of 3,6% in 2019 – 20, up from 3,1% the previous year. S everal of the fastest growing economies in the world are currently LQ $IULFD ZLWK FRXQWULHV VXFK (WKLRSLD 5ZDQGD DQG *KDQD OHDGLQJ WKH FKDUJH resources, immense geographical and bio diversity, relatively low levels of urbanisation and the liberalisation of a Pan African market. ,Q WKH $IULFDQ &RQWLQHQWDO )UHH 7UDGH $JUHHPHQW FDPH LQWR IRUFH DQG E\ -XQH D WRWDO RI $IULFDQ VWDWHV KDG VLJQHG WKH agreement. Despite the immense potential and progress made, the The continent is indeed endowed with an abundance of growth potential underpinned by its fast-growing human capital, vast natural
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