Construction World February 2020
Synonymous WITH QUALITY This is according to Mike McDonald, manager of the AfriSam Centre of Product Excellence, who says that the brand is strengthened by the pledge to conduct business according to highest standards and in compliance with the various laws and regulations that govern the business. To this effect, AfriSam has policies that state
the company’s commitment towards health and safety, the environment, energy management and quality. A friSam’s range of construction materials KDV EHHQ FRQWULEXWLQJ VLJQLͤFDQWO\ WR
Mike McDonald, manager at AfriSam’s Centre of Product Excellence.
attest to the quality of the products, but it also gives customers a sense that they have an impartial platform to approach should D SURGXFW IDLO 0F'RQDOG HODERUDWHV ̸7KH customer gets double assurance: AfriSam’s intrinsic value proposition coupled with the 6$%6 VWDPS RI TXDOLW\̹ 6$%6 LQVSHFWRUV visit all AfriSam’s cement manufacturing VLWHV DW OHDVW VL[ WLPHV D \HDU ZKHUH WKH\ scrutinise production records and take random samples for testing at its SANAS accredited laboratory. Customers, in turn, understand the value of the SABS mark and often request to see the SABS permit. 0F'RQDOG H[SODLQV WKDW EHFDXVH $IUL6DP views its cement not just as a construction material but as the houses, schools, hospitals and the like which will ultimately be constructed, product development is based on quality decisions that are in the interest of the consumer. AfriSam’s product portfolio encompasses specialised products
for engineering applications such as precast, layer works and foundations, as well as cements for general applications and smaller building construction. The company’s longstanding relationship ZLWK WKH 6$%6 LV DQ H[DPSOH RI $IUL6DP̵V policy to build and empower enterprise towards creating a positive African future. This strong and trusted collaboration with the SABS contributes towards AfriSam being known as a well-respected and admired African brand. ̸2XU FRUH EXVLQHVV LV WR PDQXIDFWXUH and supply construction materials, as well as to provide technical solutions to our customers. Underpinned by our values of People, Planet and Performance, our Quality Policy guides behaviour that aims to develop, implement and maintain a culture of customer satisfaction. With the SABS as our quality partner, it is easy to achieve these JRDOV̹ 0F'RQDOG FRQFOXGHV UHOD[DWLRQ UDWKHU WKDQ D PHUH WKRURXJKIDUH ̸:H FKRVH -XUD &REEOH EHFDXVH LW̵V D UHͤQHG SURGXFW ZLWK D YHU\ UHJXODU PRGXOH̹ VDLG 7XUUHOO ̸$QG LWV FRORXU WRQHV complement the dark brickwork of the garden walls and the perforated aluminium VFUHHQV 7KLV LV D KLJK WUDͦFNHG SHGHVWULDQ ]RQH DQG WKH LUUHJXODU FRPSRVLWLRQ RI WKH SODQWLQJ ]RQHV LQ WKH FRXUW\DUG OHQW LWVHOI WR the herringbone pattern which was adopted IRU WKH OD\RXW RI WKH FREEOHV 7KH\ H[KLELW QR GLIIHUHQWLDWLRQ LQ GLUHFWLRQ QRU H[WHQVLYH patterning, which otherwise could have FRPSHWHG ZLWK WKH DUFKLWHFWXUH̹ ̸0RUHRYHU ZH NQRZ WKDW -XUD &REEOH is a durable product which has stood the WHVW RI WLPH :H ͤUVW XVHG LW \HDUV DJR DW the Business Centre in Century City where LW VWLOO ORRNV DV JRRG DV QHZ̹ 5HYHOVWRQH̵V Jura Cobble has also been used on several other upmarket projects including the V&A Waterfront’s No. 5 Silo project where it lines DQ LQGRRU ZDONZD\ RQ WKH JURXQG ͥRRU
infrastructure development in Africa over the last 85 years. Customers appreciate WKDW $IUL6DP̵V FHUWLͤHG SURGXFWV DUH DERXW the guarantees they have when using these products which have been thoroughly tested, DUH VDIH WR XVH DQG DUH ͤW IRU SXUSRVH Validating this claim of quality is the fact that all AfriSam’s cement, aggregate and slag products carry SABS Permit FHUWLͤFDWLRQ IRU WKHLU UHVSHFWLYH 6WDQGDUGV which is regarded as a mark of quality in all SADC counties. )XUWKHU WR WKLV DOO WKH $IUL6DP 5HDG\PL[ operations can boast with the valuable ,62 FHUWLͤFDWLRQ DV ZHOO DV IXOO\ complying with the SARMA quality FHUWLͤFDWLRQ VFKHPH $FKLHYHPHQW RI this requires daily diligence and focus on the quality of the AfriSam manufactured concrete. The SABS mark does not only
A pedestrian precinct and garden FRXUW\DUG ZKLFK ͥDQN 3 D UHFHQWO\ completed three-storey parkade adjacent to a Virgin Active gym at Century City, has been paved with Jura Cobbles manufactured by Cape-based cast-stone producer, Revelstone. Clad with an attractive perforated aluminium screen, P3 was built for the Rabie Property Group by main contractor, WBHO. It was designed by Vivid Architects (project architect – Nic Cloete) and the project’s civil
work was done by Neil Zaaiman Civils. Landscape architect, Alistair Turrell, of Planning Partners, designed the landscape installation for the pedestrian precinct in collaboration with Vivid Architects. And the Jura Cobbles were laid by ‘TJ Paving’ on a sub-base of 150 mm G5 aggregate. Combining paving space with beds of indigenous foliage and trees, the paved precinct includes benches clipped onto the raised beds, making it a space for
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