Construction World February 2020
In the current challenging local market environment, it’s important to ensure that cost effective, high quality solutions are sought out and used on construction sites – irrespective of whether they are smaller renovations or larger infrastructure projects. Each construction site presents its own requirements and challenges, and this is where MAPEI, local building product solutions provider makes the difference. ̸0 APEI has positioned their product offering not as individual
local technical team, but also by taking DGYDQWDJH RI WKH RYHU \HDUV RI H[SHULHQFH the group has banked from various SUHVWLJLRXV SURMHFWV ZRUOGZLGH̹ VD\V &ROO The MAPEI range of building line products includes the following: Repair and skimming mortars the MAPEI range of repair and skimming mortars includes several products that meet varying requirements and technical needs within the local construction market - giving your FRQFUHWH UHQGHU WKH VWURQJ VPRRWK ͤQLVK needed. &HPHQWLWLRXV DQG HSR[\ JURXWV developed for use in anchoring or repairing concrete structures. Anti-corrosion coatings this range provides solutions for protecting concrete on the surface as well as protection for steel reinforcement rods within the concrete Crack-repair and sealants a comprehensive range of crack repair and joint sealant products. Repair and levelling screeds MAPEI provides for various substrate repair and preparation UHTXLUHPHQWV LQ DQWLFLSDWLRQ RI ͥRRULQJ ratio as this ensures an optimum loading bearing capacity and therefore the safety of DOO ZKR XVH WKH ZDONZD\ V\VWHP̹ 4XLQODQ says. The Die-Line range also ensures high light penetration for further safety EHQHͤWV DQG WKH VHFWLRQV DOLJQ SHUIHFWO\ for enhanced aesthetics. The sections are designed for longitudinal span, obviating unnecessary steel support and heavy kick plates, both factors contributing greatly to enhanced cost effectiveness. Transverse loading is transferred to the LQWHJUDWHG NLFN ͥDWV WRH ERDUGV ZKLFK DUH provided with two slotted holes at each end and positioned around the neutral D[LV 3UHVVHG DQJOH VSOLFH SODWHV ͤW RQ WKH outside and into the returned top edges, and M10 bolts and nuts are provided for easy installation. The Die-Line products, together with all the necessary accessories including EROWV ZDVKHUV QXWV ͤVK SODWHV MRLQWLQJ
• Bonding promoters and primers – the MAPEI range includes various primers and bonding promoters • 6RXQGSURRͤQJ ̰ 0$3(, RIIHUV VRXQGSURRͤQJ SURGXFWV ZKLFK contribute to the lessening of noise levels in completed applications. • :DWHUSURRͤQJ VROXWLRQV ̰ 0$3(, KDV DQ H[WHQVLYH UDQJH RI ZDWHUSURRͤQJ SURGXFWV PHHWLQJ WKH FRPSOH[ DQG WHFKQLFDO UHTXLUHPHQWV RI ZDWHUSURRͤQJ on site. This includes cementitious, emulsion and acrylic based ZDWHUSURRͤQJ SURWHFWLYH ZDWHUSURRI coatings, water repellents and bandage systems. ̸:H GRQ̵W RQO\ RIIHU WKHVH VROXWLRQV WR RXU customers/applicators but also the technical support and training needed in order to ensure that there is every chance of success when applying MAPEI Products. We work closely with the applicator throughout the whole process and thereafter follow up to ensure everything is correct and meets our standards. "When you use MAPEI – you know you DUH JHWWLQJ TXDOLW\̹ FRQFOXGHV &ROO channels, saddle clamps, splice plates and mesh clips, can be used for work platforms, catwalks, conveyor walkways, and stair treads. 'LH /LQH ͥRRULQJ FKDQQHOV DUH DYDLODEOH LQ WKUHH VL]HV E\ PP E\ PP DQG E\ PP $OO DUH PP WKLFN 'LH /LQH ZDONZD\ VHFWLRQV DUH available either 500 mm or 750 mm wide at D VWDQGDUG OHQJWK RI PP DQG PP thick. It can be supplied uncoated, bitumen dipped or galvanised, facilitating use in a wide variety of applications including where harsh chemicals or saltwater is present. Mats are available either 500 mm or 750 mm E\ PP ORQJ DQG PP WKLFN Apart from the obvious safety considerations, Andrew Mentis is able to SURYLGH FXVWRPLVHG VROXWLRQV IRU VSHFLͤF customer requirements across a number of market sectors.
products, but as a total system solution for FRQVWUXFWLRQ SURMHFWV :LWK RXU H[SDQVLYH range of products, we are able to develop and specify a complete solution for use on site, eliminating the risk that comes with using different products that originate from GLIIHUHQW VXSSOLHUV̹ VD\V 6KDQH &ROO %XLOGLQJ Products Manager for MAPEI South Africa. ̸2XU SURGXFWV DUH XVHG WKURXJKRXW WKH full construction phase of a project, from foundation to roof. It is important that high quality and standards are always maintained and never compromised. Failure to do so could have serious consequences and IDLOXUHV ODWHU ZLWKLQ WKH SURMHFW OLIH VSDQ̹ adds Coll. The MAPEI building range includes imported products which have been developed in the group’s world class R&D facilities around the world, and locally manufactured products which have been developed with strict adherence to the groups international standards. ̸:H EDFN RXU VROXWLRQV XS ZLWK WKH H[SHUWLVH DQG NQRZOHGJH QRW RQO\ IURP RXU E [FHOOHQW QRQ VOLS FKDUDFWHULVWLFV LV RQO\ one of the advantages the Mentis Die- Line range of positive grip pressed section walkway product offers users. Available in three forms, namely planks, mats and walkways, this locally manufactured walkway pressed section has a positive serration which ensures positive traction in all walking and working surfaces, even where mud, water, grease oil and detergents are present and could cause slippery or KD]DUGRXV XQGHUIRRW FRQGLWLRQV 7KH serration on the grating applies irrespective of the direction in which a person is walking. Lance Quinlan, national technical sales FRQVXOWDQW DW $QGUHZ 0HQWLV H[SODLQV WKDW Die-Line is easy to handle and erect with minimal welding or clipping required. This reduces the need for specialised installation ODERXU ̸$QRWKHU LPSRUWDQW DGYDQWDJH WKDW Die-Line offers is its high strength to weight
Non-slip characteristics of DIE-LINE ENHANCE WALKWAY SAFETY
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