Construction World July 2020
Challenging multi-level RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION
Imvusa Projects has invested in a new CASE 580T tractor loader backhoe (TLB) from Case Construction Equipment (CSE) which is currently in use at a project in Ballito, KwaZulu-Natal.
“T KHUH DUH PDQ\ GLͦFXOWLHV DVVRFLDWHG ZLWK ZRUNLQJ RQ WKLV site, including steep terrain, limited access to the property and unstable soil conditions,” explains Rowen Dessington, Managing Director, Imvusa Projects, specialists in construction and demolition. “It was critical in the selection of construction equipment for this project, that we invested in robust machines, that could cope HͦFLHQWO\ DQG VDIHO\ LQ D WRXJK FRDVWDO HQYLURQPHQW “In choosing our new CASE 580T backhoe loader, we considered FULWLFDO IDFWRUV OLNH IXHO HͦFLHQF\ DQG SRZHU SHUIRUPDQFH ZKLOH VDIH operation is of utmost importance when working stability is required on muddy, steep slopes. This machine has an exceptional turning circle ability for safe manoeuvrability on steep access roads with limited space to work. “We are impressed with the versatility of CASE T-series machines, which offer high productivity in diverse applications, even harsh RSHUDWLQJ FRQGLWLRQV 7KLV PDFKLQH PHHWV DOO RXU VSHFLͤFDWLRQV IRU urban work, including low noise levels, reduced exhaust emissions, stability on site and minimal surface damage. Added to this, excellent front loader visibility and mechanical self-levelling make loading and unloading much easier for our operators. We are also pleased with minimal maintenance requirements. “Once this project is complete, our new CASE 580T backhoe loader will be used in upcoming projects in residential and commercial property developments around the country. “Apart from the offer from CSE for a comprehensive service plan, with an additional 5 000 hour extended warranty for our new TLB, we DOVR UHO\ RQ GHSHQGDEOH RQ VLWH VXSSRUW IURP WKH .=1 &6( WHDP WR HQVXUH HͦFLHQW DQG WLPHRXV FRPSOHWLRQ RI WKLV SURMHFW “The off-the-grid green 880 m² four-storey open-plan house will have an elevator, wine cellar, cinema, en-suite bathrooms, three garages and undercover parking, state-of-the-art workshop, laundry, VWDII IDFLOLWLHV DQG DFFRPPRGDWLRQ RͦFH DQG J\P DV ZHOO D P long suspended swimming pool facing the ocean.” In addition to residential and property development, Imvusa Projects also focusses on warehousing construction and specialised applications for concrete works, steel
and the narrow boom width improves visibility for the operator. The loader’s Powershift transmission, with a kick-down button, improves traction, even on tough terrain and also improves bucket retention. 7KH ͥDW ERWWRPHG EXFNHW ͥRDW SRVLWLRQ RQ WKH FRQWURO OHYHU DQG DQ automatic return-to-dig function, ensure precise grading, optimal penetration and reduced effort in repetitive loading operations. The ‘ride control facility’ reduces loader arm bounce during travel on all surfaces, maintaining maximum material retention, at higher speeds. 7KH RSWLRQDO ZKHHO GULYH DQG ORFNLQJ GLIIHUHQWLDO ͤWWHG WR the rear axle improve mobility and loaded performance, where job site conditions are muddy and where extra traction is essential. An HQJLQH SUH ͤOWHU LV VWDQGDUG IRU GXVW\ ZRUNLQJ FRQGLWLRQV Site security features, which are designed to prevent vandalism, include an engine hood lock, anti-theft devices and a lockable battery ER[ 7KH K\GUDXOLF WDQN LV ͤWWHG ZLWK D VHFXUH RLO FDS EUHDWKHU WR prevent siphoning. This series has been designed for minimal downtime and UHGXFHG PDLQWHQDQFH UHTXLUHPHQWV 'DLO\ FKHFN DQG ͤOO SRLQWV DUH accessible from ground level, to save time. The braking system uses the machine’s main hydraulic oil reservoir, which means there is no UHTXLUHPHQW IRU D VHSDUDWH ͤOOHU /DUJH FDSDFLW\ IXHO WDQNV HQVXUH ORQJHU ZRUNLQJ KRXUV EHWZHHQ UHͤOOV LQFUHDVLQJ RSHUDWLRQDO KRXUV on site. The CASE electronic service tool enables rapid rail engine diagnostics for reduced downtime. These machines, with a large cab for improved operator comfort, have also been designed for reduced internal cab noise levels. Fully adjustable control lever towers and a return-to-idle button, enhance precision control. 7KH PXOWL SXUSRVH LQ DQG LQ ORDGHU EXFNHWV FRSH HͦFLHQWO\ with different working conditions of digging, loading and unloading, ͥDWWHQLQJ DQG OHYHOOLQJ DSSOLFDWLRQV CASE Construction Equipment supports its range of CASE equipment with a technical advisory and maintenance service throughout the country. Operator and mechanic training are also provided.
VWUXFWXUHV DQG ZDWHUSURRͤQJ 7KH FRPSDQ\ is also an OEM applicator for poly-urethane applications for tanking of ponds, retaining walls and slabs. Additional information .H\ IHDWXUHV RI &$6( 7 EDFNKRH ORDGHUV are excellent performance and high torque GHOLYHUHG E\ IXHO HͦFLHQW WXUER FKDUJHG after-cooled Tier 3 engines. The curved main boom increases digging performance and curved front loader arms improve truck loading and unloading, while mechanical self-levelling assists the operator. Boom, dipper and swing cylinders have standard hydraulic end-stroke cushioning for smooth operation, enhanced precision and extended component life. Over-lapping boom cylinders provide lower transport height
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