Construction World July 2020
More performance and versatility The trusted and reliable Cat 3054C and C4.4 engines remain on the new series. All models in the new backhoe loader line feature standard four-wheel drive with rear differential lock for improved traction in poor ground conditions. A new four-speed powershift transmission is available as an option on the 428 and 434 and is as standard on the 432. The new powershift option enables easier on-the-go gear shifting for the operator. The 444 will continue to be ͤWWHG ZLWK D IXOO\ DXWRPDWLF WUDQVPLVVLRQ DV VWDQGDUG The 432 and 444 models are equipped standard with low-effort electro-hydraulic (EH) loader and pilot backhoe controls. To meet customer preference, standard mechanical backhoe controls on the 428 and 434 models can be optionally upgraded to pilot controls. New optional performance boom cylinders are available on the 428 and the 434, offering up to 25% more boom lift capability to enhance operating performance. Performance boom cylinders are standard on the 432 and 444 models. 7R LQFUHDVH PDFKLQH XWLOL]DWLRQ WKH QHZ &DW EDFNKRH ORDGHU OLQH FDQ EH HTXLSSHG IURP WKH IDFWRU\ RU DV D ͤHOG LQVWDOOHG NLW ZLWK optional Integrated Tool (IT) carrier loader couplers for fast work-tool changes. These new backhoe loaders are compatible with F2 series attachments, eliminating the need to purchase new attachments, lowering operating costs.
F our new backhoe loader models build on the success of the popular F2 series Caterpillar announces four new backhoe loader models that build on the success of the Cat ® F2 Series backhoe loaders. The new line consists of the Cat 428, 432, 434 and 444 models, replacing the 428F2, 432F2, 434F2 and 444F2 machines respectively. The 422F2 will cease production. The 426F2 remains unchanged. The new Cat backhoe loaders offer similar model platforms throughout the line to deliver component commonality and operating similarities throughout range. These machines will also display the new Cat trade dress and nomenclature, which removes PRGHO VXͦ[HV
Available from May 2020, the new 428, 432, 434 and 444 will set the new standard in backhoe loader comfort and performance. Unlocking the EARTHMOVING INDUSTRY IN SA
T KH ͤUVW FRPSUHKHQVLYH VXUYH\ RI WKH VL]H DQG FRPSOH[LW\ RI WKH FRQVWUXFWLRQ earthmoving and mining equipment industry in more than 20 years has been released to provide unparalleled market intelligence to stakeholders in the industry. Compiled by global research company, Off Highway Research, the 220-page report, ‘The Construction Industry in South Africa’, is a 4-year study that details sales by model FDWHJRU\ HTXLSPHQW DQDO\VLV VL]HV RI equipment and sales by manufacturer. According to Dr Jim Rankin of Agfacts, the report is an invaluable tool for ͤQDQFLDO LQVWLWXWLRQV SDUWV VXSSOLHUV DQG service providers, as well as suppliers of components such as tyres, hydraulics DQG ͤOWHUV DPRQJ RWKHUV ,W VKRZV ZKLFK machines are selling, and which are not, and it gives analysts food for thought when advising or building business plans. Reliable sources “Much of the information was transposed from the Construction and Mining Equipment Suppliers Association (Conmesa) which we have been supplying monthly reports for more than 25-years. Other information was taken from complementary association in
Six little-known facts about the industry 1. Backhoe loaders are the most sold machines in SA 2. The new equipment sales market was valued at R14,1-billion in 2018 3 Tracked (Hydraulic) excavators make up R2,55-billion of the total market 4. Contractors are the biggest buyers RI DVSKDOW ͤQLVKHUV EDFNKRH ORDGHUV excavators, compaction equipment and skid steers 5. Unusually, rental companies bought more motor graders than any other industry in 2018 6. Mines are the biggest market for telehandlers The report is conducted in accordance with worldwide standards and is available from Agfacts. Reality check “We have found that in many instances perceptions are actually far from reality and DFWXDO RZQHUVKLS DQG VXSSO\ ͤJXUHV DUH often different to what even we would imagine. This kind of market research is GLͦFXOW WR FRPH E\ DQG VKRXOG PDNH XS SDUW of any business plan for role players in the market in future.”
Jim Rankin of Agfacts.
agriculture and materials handling where appropriate,” says Jim. He adds that the report also provides information on local suppliers that is handy for end users to know who the role players are and the extent of would-be supplier’s information. Based on the statistics it even provides readers with predictions on the industry and comprehensive forecasts until 2023. With information such as actual machine populations in South Africa, by type and brand, suppliers can make informed decisions when it comes to the type of equipment, spares and services that they supply.
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