Construction World September 2020
capable of.” Infrastructure development must also be sustainable, which is why Zutari is a leading player in Africa in renewable energy solutions such as solar and wind power. Dr. Rohde stresses that true sustainability for any asset owner or operator focuses on responsible development. This includes social and environmental factors, as well as embracing appropriate new technology. “It is also about well-rounded operations and a safe and motivated workforce. We work with our clients to deliver solutions that help them stay in business and thrive.” The ‘new normal’ ushered in by the COVID-19 crisis saw the entire company transition successfully to remote working in March – a week before the hard lockdown came into effect. The company steadily introduced digital technologies over the last decade, an investment now clearly paying dividends. Zutari is uniquely positioned to take on the challenges of working LQ $IULFD ZKHUH PDQ\ SURMHFW VLWHV DUH UHPRWH DQG DFFHVV LV GLͦFXOW $V D ͤQDO PHVVDJH 'U 5RKGH DYHUV WKDW WKH QHZ FRPSDQ\ ZLOO IRFXV exclusively on “solutions that are appropriate for the continent. What might be feasible for highly-developed markets like the US or Australia may not necessarily be affordable, let alone viable here. It is our vision and our commitment to achieving the full potential of Africa.” 'U 5RKGH VHHV WKH PDLQ LQIUDVWUXFWXUH GHͤFLW RQ WKH FRQWLQHQW DV revolving around basic amenities such as water and wastewater services, transportation and energy. “Building a road, for example, is not an end in itself. Our vision as Zutari is that a road provides access, which facilitates economic development that, in turn, helps alleviate poverty and empowers FRPPXQLWLHV 7R DGGUHVV WKH LQIUDVWUXFWXUH GHͤFLW ZH QHHG WR DSSURDFK both public and private sector priorities as integrated and holistic solutions. ̸,QIUDVWUXFWXUH KDV EHHQ ULJKWIXOO\ LGHQWLͤHG DV D FDWDO\VW IRU JURZWK DQG development. Many global companies who attempt to enter the African market do not know the best way to tackle its problems. We are right there at the coal face, where we can make the biggest impact possible,” Dr. Rohde concludes.
Dr. Lulu Gwagwa, Non-Executive Chairperson of Zutari South Africa.
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