Construction World September 2020
Last month's Women’s Day drew attention to the idea that diversity and inclusion is a strategic necessity for many businesses. Scania South Africa in line with global diversity objectives, is focused on the implementation of a gender diverse workforce which will offer equal career opportunities and progression for both male and female employees. “The ongoing career and skills development of our female employees and apprentices is a fundamental focus area for Scania South Africa”, says Nomonde Kweyi, General Manager Marketing and Communications, Scania Southern Africa.
B y having employees with the widest possible range of skills, NQRZOHGJH EDFNJURXQGV DQG H[SHULHQFHV FRPSDQLHV FDQ EHQHͤW from different perspectives and ideas to drive business forward. “Scania South Africa is committed to developing a diverse workforce. An unbeatable brand needs an unbeatable team and an unbeatable team is diverse," says Fabio Souza, Managing Director, Scania Southern Africa. This Women’s Day falls as South Africa struggles with the economic fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic. It has created a highly challenging business environment for many companies in the transport industry. “The challenges presented by the COVID-19 restrictions have required agility and an openness to change,” says Catherine Andreka, Sourcing Solutions South Africa Business Owner and Scania customer. “As we service a large portion of the restaurant industry, these have been trying times, but we’ve also found opportunities within our business and supply chain”. Against this backdrop Women’s Day presents an opportunity to recognise and applaud the courageous efforts of many women in the transport industry who are helping to keep the wheels of the logistics industry turning. “Our female employees work across many different departments. They are in the frontlines working in our workshops. Their technical skills play an enormous role in keeping the trucks and buses that connect various segments of our economy, up and running. They also work in sales, operations, admin positions
DQG EDFN RͦFH UROHV DFWLYHO\ ZRUNLQJ WR HQVXUH WKDW ZH SURYLGH our customers with the most comprehensive transport solutions and service offerings,” explains Kweyi. “Our women have shown tremendous resilience and courage in the face of a fast-changing work environment. They have stood shoulder to shoulder with their male counterparts as Scania adjusts to the new challenges the COVID-19 pandemic has presented.”. Scania recognises these efforts under the banner of an Unbeatable Spirit, the theme for their Women’s Day celebrations. “The Women of Scania are valued contributors to a vital value chain. 7KH ORJLVWLFV FRQVWUXFWLRQ DQG XUEDQ WUDQVSRUW LQGXVWULHV EHQHͤW hugely from their efforts and we applaud their unbeatable spirits, in these challenging times,” Kweyi states. This unbeatable spirit is shared by many of Scania’s female customers. “We are fortunate to be supported by so many formidable women,” says Kweyi. “Some own their own businesses and are forging new paths for women led business in a male dominated industry. Many are leading companies, developing innovations and driving trucks.” These uncertain times have shown the resilience and courage of the women in the transport industry and Scania South Africa hopes to encourage this unbeatable spirit with the hope of seeing more women joining the transport industry in the future.
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