Electricity + Control 2019
FEATURES: · Control systems+ automation · Electrical protection+ safety · Cables+ accessories · Plantmaintenance, test+measurement · Pressure+ levelmeasurement+ instrumentation
Have we reached the point of inflection?
I mean, in the true sense, as defined in mathematics – calculus. In this case, has the curve moved from some years of being negative, to even a fleeting moment of being positive? It would be nice to be able to answer that question. It would also be very hard to imagine that the curve could travel any further downwards though, wouldn’t it? I find myself reflecting on this after yet another remarkable week for South Africa, and Africa, at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (Intel ISEF), this year convened in Phoenix, Arizona. It is the largest competitive science fair on the planet and this year it attracted a re- cord number of participants from around the world – over 1 800. It also attracts over 700 judges from around the world – all profes- sional scientists, engineers and educators. South Africa did well – as we have come to expect. But what has become very evident over the past few years is the increasing suc- cess of other African countries, in particu- lar Zimbabwe, Kenya, Tunisia, Egypt and Nigeria. This bodes well for the youth of the continent – and for the future of the continent. It does remind us of the importance not only of education per se , but specif- ically of science, technology, engineer- ing and mathematics (STEM) education. STEM is becoming the cornerstone of the modern world and it is profoundly encour- aging to see the emergence of a highly skilled, technologically savvy new genera- tion on our continent. I am of the view that this generation will disrupt STEM much like they have be- gun to disrupt other systems – bringing a new creativity to the discourse of science, technology and innovation. I do have a caution, however, and that relates to the general stagnation of Basic
Education in South Africa – a lost opportu- nity if ever there was one. Notwithstand- ing the numerous examples of new think- ing, best-of-breed learning and world-class facilities, it remains deeply concerning that many of our youth simply do not have ade- quate opportunities at school level. I will not pursue this now – as I have done so many times in the past. But if ever one wanted to ensure change, the surest way is through proper education. A very small proportion of all the com- petitors at the Intel ISEF get awards – as it should be. But it is obvious to me how attendance at the event is a life- changing experience for by far the majority of attendees. And I do not mean in terms of the prize money on offer (which is millions of dollars), but in terms of the experience of meeting people who actually take STEM seriously – and not just because they are told to do so. It strikes me that the readers of Electricity+Control would generally fall into this group – people who are not intimidat- ed by science, but rather motivated by it, motivated by seeking out solutions – in fact, driven to identify problems and solve them. Society tends to overlook these rock stars of science. It is brilliant when there are events that celebrate them. After all, were it not for these people, real rock stars would not exist at all… nor would they have the technologies they rely on. To all you problem solvers, I wish you another happy read.
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energy + information in industry
EC June 2019 coverFriday.indd 1
2019/05/31 02:01:59PM
Endress + Hauser 's flow, level, temperature and analytical instruments are equipped with intelligent Heartbeat Technology. (Read more on page 9).
Editor: Design & Layout: Advertising Managers:
Leigh Darroll Adél JvR Bothma Helen Couvaras
Heidi Jandrell Karen Smith
Circulation: Editorial Technical Director: Publisher: Deputy Publisher:
Ian Jandrell Karen Grant Wilhelm du Plessis
Circulation: Quarter 1 (Jan – Mar) 2019 Total print circulation: 5 192
Publisher of the year 2018 (Trade Publications)
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Crown Publications cc Cnr Theunis and Sovereign Sts, Bedford Gardens PO Box 140, Bedfordview 2008 Tandym Print
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