Electricity + Control January 2015



Voltage measurements – their significance in motor protection

Unbalanced motor voltages may cause a current unbalance that increases the op- erating temperature and energy losses of the motor.These voltages can magnify the

current unbalance in the stator windings of a motor as much as 20 times.When the volt- age unbalance is more than 1 %, de-rating the motor will help lessen the effects. If the unbalance exceeds 5 %, it is not advisable to operate the motor at all, even if it has been de-rated. When a voltage unbalance exceeds 3 %, the root cause should be identified and corrected. For general motor protection, it is always assumed that the system voltage is stable.This is due to leg- islations such as NRS 048. This legislation is divided into several parts, mainly guid- ing the quality of the power supply (QOS), focusing on the voltage parameters, such as magnitude and dip time.

However, during fault conditions the system is unstable and it is essential to know the voltage variation to comprehensively pro- tect the motor. It is generally known that in a fixed power system, there is a 1 % increase in current measurement, therefore a 2 % increase in voltage. The suddenly fluctuat- ing voltage also contributes to deteriorating winding insulation in amotor, thus reducing the motor life. NewEle c’s NewCode, KE range and other motor protection and control relays measure voltage to ensure comprehensive motor protection. Enquiries: Email sales@newelec.co.za

Powerful combined arrester for telecommunication systems

The new DEHNbox TC 180 from the surge and lightning protec- tion expert, DEHN , is a compact universal combined arrester in a surface-mounted plastic enclosure, ideal for protecting information technology interfaces.The arrester has been optimised for general installation on telecommunication connections and devices such as analogue telephones, ISDN and xDSL. Field tests have shown that the arrester can even be used for high-performance VDSL2 connections. With the DEHNbox, surges are limited to an accept- able level for the connected terminal equipment without interfering with the data signal. This compact, one-size-fits-all, arrester can be easily retrofitted at any time, thanks to its surface-mounted enclosure which is ide- ally suited for wall mounting, thus ensuring immediate lightning and surge protection in existing installations.The cables lead into the enclosure via an easy-to-install self-sealing rubber grommet, which not only allows fast and easy installation but also prevents the penetration of moisture and dust. The cable cores (solid and flexible with wire end ferrule) and the earthing conductor can be

connected by inserting them into the spring-loaded terminals of the fast connection system without tools. An additional, separate terminal allows direct connection to the cable shield of the equipo- tential bonding system.The DEHNboxTC 180 protects one balanced data interface (ISDN, analogue telephones, xDSL) and has a high lightning current discharge capacity of 2,5 kA (10/ 350 µs) per line.

The arrester can be installed in lightning protection zone boundaries from 0 A to 2 and higher. Its cut-off-frequency of 250 MHz ensures transmission of high-frequency signal parts. Enquiries: Alexis Barwise.Tel. 011 704 1487 or email alexis.barwise@dehn-africa.com

Solution for pump motor protection

A range of electronic motor protection and control relays, especially designed to protect pumps and motorsfrom a variety of faults associated with this market is available from NewElec . The entire K series is aimed at rendering assistance to pump users and consultants that specify protection requirements for pumps. What makes these relays unique is that they incorporate features such as dry-run protection and phase reversal protection which are basic requirements for the protection of pumps. A model exists for every budget.Themore upmarket models also include built-in features that allow for a user-selected pump priming time, as well as a user-selectable pump operating time slot. Auto- mated re-start times for dry-run trips are available together with selectable automatic overload trip

resets. A useful asset on some models permit the user to measure dry-running conditions by means of power factor measurements instead of conventional current measurement so that greater accuracy can be achieved. The range includes the most basic features that need manual adjustments directly by the user to the more sophisticated that can only be programmed by the supporting software avoid- ing possible setting interference by users.These include the monitoring of statistical information such as the number of starts, trip faults and pump efficiency. Motor protection is achieved by the usual current measurement methods and user- selectable phase voltage measurements. Enquiries: Email sales@newelec.co.za or visit www.newelec.co.za

January ‘15 Electricity+Control


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