Electricity + Control January 2016
Acknowledgements I would like to thank the following companies and individuals for their contributions and inputs towards my research project, without the help of these individuals my research project would not be possible. • Tectra Automation – Kevin Lombard (GM), Research project spon- sor while supplying continuous mentoring • Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) – Dr. Jamiru, Tamba (PhD Field of specialisation: Materials) – Supervisor and mentor to this research project • TUT – Professor Sadiku, Rotimi (PhD Field of specialisation: Ma- terials) – Input and mentoring towards my research project • Robert Bosch – Nelis Gouws (Project Manager) – Contact at Robert Bosch for whom the research project is being done • Wilec South Africa - Paul Senior (Business Development Execu- tive) - Technical assistance with resin selection and supply of resin used for testing • H Rohloff – Pieter de Lange (Marketing Director) – Supply of temperature measuring equipment used in experiments
Jaco de Beer is a Project Engineer at Tectra Automation, responsible for the company’s Project Department. Five years’ experience in turnkey automation projects, Jaco takes customers specifications and turns them into working systems. Jaco has his B.Tech in Mechatronics, and is cur- rently completing his Master’s Degree in Mechatronics. He
is certified as having completed the following courses: • National Diploma – Mechatronics
• Baccalaureus Technologia (B.Tech) – Mechatronics • Academic Excellence Award – both Diploma and B.Tech. • Programme in Project Management – Certificate with Distinction • Research Methodology – Certificate • Courses in – Advanced Excel, MS Project and Pneumatics Enquiries: jaco.debeer@tectra.co.za
10 MillionthVSD rolls off production line
The ten millionth ABB low voltage drive rolled off the production line at ABB’s Beijing factory in November. The ten millionth drive is going toWuhan Guide Electric Co. in China, a system integrator manufacturing electric control systems for port cranes. “The out- standing DirectTorque Control (DTC) motor control technology and
built-in crane control software of ABB’s industrial drives help us to maximise crane performance. For our customers – the ports – ABB industrial drives mean improved safety, high availability, and high total efficiency, resulting in lower energy costs,” says Mr. Li Xiang of Wuhan Guide Electric Group Co. Drive number 10 million is an ACS880 industrial drive, part of ABB’s all-compatible drives portfolio. Compatible with virtually all types of processes, motors, automation systems and users, they are designed to tackle any motor-driven application in any industry, whatever the power range. The innovation behind all-compatibility is the new drive architecture, which simplifies operation, opti- mises energy efficiency and helps maximise process output. The ACS880 series consists of single drives, multidrives and drive modules. “We place high demands on our suppliers, especially con- cerning product quality, reliability and service. ABB drives live up to our requirements, and for ten years now we’ve had a strategic partnership with ABB,” says Mr. Li Xiang. ABB devel- oped its first ac drive in the 1970s, and today they offer the most advanced range of Variable Speed Drives (VSDs) in the world. ABB drives cover a wide power and voltage range, including voltages up to 13,8 kilovolts and power up to 100 megawatts.
Enquiries: Paul LouwTel. 010 202 5916 or email Paul.Louw@za.abb.com or visit www.abb.com
January ‘16 Electricity+Control
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