Electricity + Control January 2016



City Power buys new generation switchgear

City Power isACTOMMV Switchgear’s first customer for its new gen- eration AMV12 range of air-insulated switchgear officially launched into the market at the beginning of the year. The business unit was awarded a contract in April last year to provide a 17-panel 12 kV rated switchboard incorporating the new switchgear for installation in the 88 kV/11 kV Industria substation in Industria, West of Johannesburg’s city centre. The contract, which formed part of a refurbishment and upgrade of the substation by City Power, was awarded by Midrand-based Machite Engineering, the electrical and civils contractor on the project. ACTOM MV Switchgear, which completed the contract in Janu- ary this year, developed the AMV12 range in line with the changing requirements of its principle customers and in conformity with the latest international quality and safety standards. It developed the new range in partnership withYIHE Electric Group, a Qingdao (China) based manufacturer of electrical equipment. The AMV12 range of switchgear is rated for 12 kV with current ratings of 800 A, 1 250 A and 2 500 A at 31,5 kA in accordance with IEC 62271-200. Flexible, efficient, low maintenance Included in BMG’s Danfoss range of electronic, mechanical and intelligent ‘mechatronic’ devices, is the VLT Automation Drive, designed for variable speed control of all asynchronous and per- manent magnet motors, onmost industrial machines or production lines.The DanfossVLTAutomation Drive FC 301/302 ensures energy savings, increased flexibility, high efficiency processes and low maintenance requirements. “TheVLTAutomation Drive, which has received global awards for innovation and user friendly features, reduces project costs, ensures the lowest possible cost of owner- ship and maintains high efficiency processes,” says David Dyce, electronics manager, BMG’s electromechanical division. “TheVLT Automation Drive is a single drive concept based on a flexible and modular design, suitable for all drives applications.This is a major benefit in commissioning, operating and maintaining equipment. “Advanced technology and industry features can be expanded with plug and play options and an intuitive interface for customised programming. With this modular system - which encompasses specific power sizes, features, enclosure classes, positioning control, safety functions and fieldbus protocols - each plant can determine what parameters are essential to meet specific require- ments.This system can be upgraded or adapted for future features and options.” The VLT Automation Drive can withstand operation in all in-

ACTOM MV Switchgear has subsequently received several more orders from other key customers, including CONCO, DRA and the City of Windhoek. Enquiries: GregWhyteTel. 011 820-5140 or email greg.whyte@actom.co.za

LV switchgear for Pilanesberg Platinum JB Switchgear Solutions was recently awarded a contract for the design, manufacturing and supply of low voltage switchgear and associated equipment destined for Pilanesberg Platinum, through DRA in Sunninghill, Johannesburg. JB Switchgear Solutions’ scope will include motor control centres, variable speed drive panels and soft starter panels. Starter sizes cover a broad spectrum between 0,37 kW and 380 kW.The PPM plant expansion and re-processing of the exisiting tailings storage facility is located within the existing PPM infrastructure which liesWest and North-West of the Pilanesberg Na- tional Park in the NorthWest Province.The project allows expansion of the existing PPMprocessing facility and will incorporate the following: • A second UG2 milling and flotation circuit to re-process the exist- ing TSF • Two tailings re-treatment plants for the extraction of PGM’s from the existing TSF • A chrome recovery facility to extract chrome from the existing TSF • A hydrometallurgical processing facility for the treatment of flota- tion concentrate • Additional support and services infrastructure and a number of community based initiatives In this instance, JB Switchgear Solutions will supply their ‘Eagle series’ motor control centres, which feature a robust, reliable and user- friendly design, supported by comprehensive type-test certification. JB Switchgear is a level 4 BEE supplier with ISO9001 certification. Enquiries: Johan BassonTel. 011 027 5804/082 852 6401 or email info@jbswitchgear.co.za or visit www.jbswitchgear.co.za

dustrial environments and low voltage grids, including 690V. Enclosures are available up to IP66, depending on the model. Integrated dc chokes and RFI filters in all units pro- tect installations by minimis- ing harmonic distortion and electromagnetic interference.

Enquiries: Dave Dyce Tel. 011 620 1530 or

email Daviddy@bmgworld.net or visit www.bmgworld.net

Electricity+Control January ‘16


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