Electricity + Control March 2018
Using Fuel Catalysts to Improve Efficiency of Plant and Equipment John Alexander, Eco Catalyst Reformers
Fuel Catalysts are pre-combustion catalysts offering more benefits when compared to solutions like fuel additives that need to be reapplied during refuelling.
A fuel Catalyst is a permanent fuel treatment. A simple fit and forget solution that can be ap- plied to any hydrocarbon fuel including diesel, gasoline (petrol), oil, HFO, natural gas and propane. The Fitch Fuel Catalyst is a Heterogeneous Me- tallic Alloy (HMAC) that when used, continuously transforms or reformulates the molecular compo- sition of fuel, improving combustion and reducing fuel consumption. It is a true catalyst which by definition causes one or more chemical reactions but does not participate in them. Because it does not participate in the reaction, unlike additives, it is not consumed in the reaction and thus lasts for years after initial installation [1]. The fuel catalyst also has no moving parts and is thus maintenance free. There are many references on the internet that dispute that fuel catalysts actually work, the manu- facturer of the Fitch Fuel Catalyst Advanced Power Systems International, Inc. (APSI) provides numer- ous independent tests that have been carried out by recognised institutions and are substantiated by reports. Using Dart Mass spectrometry Dr. Steven Suib and members of the Suib Research Group at the University of Connecticut were able to identify four positive molecular changes the Fitch Fuel Cat- alyst induced in treated fuels. This research was, in part, funded by a grant from the United States Department of Energy. (Suib, n.d.) [2]. In today's competitive market it is essential that organisations use the best possible solutions to in- crease efficiency and resources to improve wealth to shareholders.
Typical applications where substantial savings can be attained are found in Mining, Energy, Marine andTransportation industries. Fuel catalysts do not only reduce fuel consumption but also offer addi- tional benefits to the user. A Fuel Catalyst causes more complete and efficient combustion; there is less residue left af- ter combustion something which you know of as ‘emissions’. Thus, Greenhouse gases and pollution are reduced significantly. Because the Fuel Cata- lyst causes more complete combustion; it also reduces pollution and toxic emissions in the form of greenhouse gases, polyaromatic hydrocarbons, particulates and soot. When combustion is com- plete and 100% of the potential energy is extract- ed from the fuel, the by-products of combustion are carbon dioxide (CO 2 ), water (H 2 O) and nitrogen (N). Toxic emissions such as greenhouse gases are a by-product of incomplete combustion. • Reduction in fuel consumption (5-12%) • Increased Cetane number and Octane and in- creased power • Reduced emissions- means a cleaner environ- ment – reduces your carbon footprint. • Eliminates opacity (Black Smoke) • Improved Fuel Efficiency, Reduced Emissions or Greater Horsepower and Torque • Increased lubricity in diesel engines – less wear and tear • Suppression of bacterial Growth in fuel Recent References In a mining application RTB Bor Group – Mining and Smelting Complex Bor.
36 Electricity + Control
MARCH 2018
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