Electricity + Control March 2018
Ul. Đor đ a Vajferta br. 29 19210 Bor To whom so ever it may concern
unscheduled downtime," said Mark Purdue, Chief Engineer, Golden Alaska Seafoods, LLC.
Case Study- Sacred SeaTuna According to Captain Rick Goche, Sacred Sea Tuna is a family owned business, fishing the F/V Peso Il out of Charleston, Ore. "We fish tuna and salmon (when they let us) and all of our products are sold under our family label Sacred Sea Tuna," said Cap- tain Goche. "We normally fish from 15 June till the end of October. We provision for 14 days and hope we are full before then. Annually we use 4 000 to 5 000 gallons of fuel." According to Captain Goche, since he was hav- ing smoke and filter clogging problems, and was looking for a means to improve fuel economy, too. After installing the Fitch Fuel Catalyst: "I've seen a noticeable improvement in exhaust and engine re- sponsiveness. The most impressive aspect of im- provement though is how clean the top end of my engine is.When my mechanic pulled the valve cov- er he was so impressed he started taking pictures. He said, 'This is the way a new engine looks when I pour oil over the rockers before its first start up.'" The clean engine is one thing, the fuel savings another. "It's hard to say (what our exact fuel sav- ings is) since we don't have a fuel consumption meter but just looking at hours run vs gallons I'd have to say we've saved around 10-13% since we've gone from about 75 gallons per hour to about 65 gallons per hour." Case Study- Royal Dawn Brent Bixler of Royal Dawn considers himself an early pioneer to evaluate the Fitch Fuel Catalyst in the mid-90s when he bought a unit for a Cum- mins KTA 1150 main engine and another smaller unit for a Caterpillar 3304 generator engine. "Fish- ing the South Pacific, travelling for 30-day clips to reach the fishing grounds, I was provided the ideal environment to track fuel consumption op- erating at normal running speed," he said in a writ- ten response to our questions. "Using a FloScan metering system, I was able to compare fuel con- sumption without Fitch and retrofitted with Fitch during these lengthy trips. At an AAFA (American Albacore Fishing Association) meeting just recent- ly, I expressed to the Association that l saved 12%
This is to certify that COMET Fuel Saving System, containing fuel reformer Fitch Fuel Catalyst, has been installed on vehicle BELAZ 75306 with en- gine Cummins QSK60-C (1715/2300 KW/HP) in the Copper mine ‘Veliki Krivelj’ within the Copper Mine Bor. We tested the system for three months, the performance of COMET Fuel Saving system has been very good and about 7% saving achieved. We appreciate the green energy efforts of COM- ET Fuel Saving System, toward reducing the fuel consumption, black smoke and carbon emission. The above reference was provided by Comet Consulting Group, a European dealer for the Fitch Fuel Catalyst based in Serbia, which was recently awarded the ‘Top Energy 2017’ prize by the Ser- bian Ministry of Mining and Energy. Comet was nominated for this award by the RTB Bor Group, a large Serbian mining conglomerate, which has been using the Fitch Fuel Catalyst on their open pit quarry trucks and recorded significant reductions in fuel consumption and emissions. Maritime Industry (Copied from an article published in the Mari- time Reporter and Engineering News: https:// www.maritimepropulsion.com/news/fuel-cata- lyst-makes-engines-520372). Fuel quality is a perpetual focus of the commer- cial maritime sector, as not only is it the major op- erating expense, the quality of fuel greatly affects performance and lifespan of major mechanical sys- tems onboard. More complete combustion means less fuel needed, as well as reduced maintenance and unscheduled downtime, cleaner injectors, cleaner piston crowns and cleaner firing tubes. Case Study- ‘Golden Alaska’ The 305 ft. fish processing vessel Golden Alas- ka, which first started using Fitch in 2014, closely monitors its fuel consumption at all times and re- ports an increase in fuel efficiency of 8,51% when using Fitch Fuel Catalyst to treat fuel. In addition: "There has been a clear reduction in smoke and a significant reduction in carbon build up which translates into reduced engine maintenance and
Take Note!
The Fitch Fuel Catalyst is a Heterogeneous Metallic Alloy (HMAC) that when used, con- tinuously transforms or reformulates the molec- ular composition of fuel, improving combustion and reducing fuel con- sumption. It is a true catalyst which, by definition, causes one or more chemical reactions but does not participate in them. Because it does not par- ticipate in the reaction, unlike additives, it is not consumed in the reaction and thus lasts for years after the initial installa- tion.
Fuel Catalysts do not only reduce fuel consumption but also offer additional benefits to the user.
Electricity + Control
MARCH 2018
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