Electricity + Control March 2018
after retrofitting my engines with Fitch almost 15 years ago." Being the Fitch units purchased in the mid 90s, they were past their life expectancy, Bixler recently purchased three new heavy-duty Fitch catalyst canisters for the Royal Dawn. In ad- dition, he bought an auto kit for his Dodge RAM 2500 diesel pickup with a Cummins 5,9 litre en- gine with the expectations of quieting down the truck and picking up a bit more mpg. References [1] https://www.chemicool.com/dictionary.html, n.d. [2] Fitch Fuel Catalyst Combustion Performance Research Report UCONN [3] https://fitchfuelcatalyst.com/s/1-perf_gas_ ChevyFTPA75.pdf
[4] The Centre for Emissions Research & Analysis - City of Industry, CA Technical Bulletin #7 [5] Vehicle and Engine Emission Testing Services, (VETS) [6] OceanAir Environmental, LLC [7] https://fitchfuelcatalyst.com/s/7-perf_die_ Cummins14L.pdf Testing of Fitch Fuel Cata- lyst on Cummins NTA855R3 Diesel Engine ITLR-T18076-001 [8] Intertek Caleb Brett [9] Study of the Effect of Fitch Fuel Catalyst on Microbial Contaminated Diesel Fuel UCONN Technical Bulletin #4 https://fitchfuelcatalyst. com/s/1-perf_gas_ChevyFTPA75.pdf
John Alexander has been involved in process instrumentation since 1979. He was involved in manufacturing pressure and temperature instrumentation for approximately nine years. He has worked for Thorn EMI, CGS Thermodynam- ics, Harvey and Russel, Danfoss and Siemens (as technical flow specialist for 10 years). He was sales and marketing Manager at Krohne in Johannesburg for eight years. In 2017 he started a new venture Eco Catalyst Reformers offering fuel Catalysts for fuel saving and emission reduction to industry representing Fitch in South Afri- ca. The company was formed to distribute unique technologies to save fuel by reducing fuel consumption by reformulation of the molecular structure of hydrocarbon fuels. Enquiries: Email johna@ecocatreformers.co.za
38 Electricity + Control
MARCH 2018
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