Housing in Southern Africa April 2016
Building Supplies & Equipment
T he product forms part of a tile adhesive priming system that creates better adhesion when mixed with TAL Keycoat latex-based liquid. TAL Keymix is a cementitious powder primer used in a 2:1 volume mixwith TAL Keycoat. The TAL Keymix Professional tiling contractors can overcome tiling challenges such as the lifting of tiles, whether the surfaces are dense, impervious or smooth, by using TAL’s Keymix powder primer. Priming system C oncrete Laser Flooring (CLF), specialists in the construction of jointless concrete floors, partnered with a.b.e. Construction Chemicals and introduced a new in- novative spreader machine to meet the growing demand for harder, flatter, and more abrasion-resistant concrete surfaces. a.b.e. Construction Chemicals is supplying CLFwith Titan Top, a dustless, non-metallic floor surface hardener for use with the Ti- tan Top Dry Shake Spreader machine imported for use by CLF. The dry shake surface harden- ing powder, which combines high strengthPortland cement with select- ed aggregates, achieves maximum suppression of steel fibres were used to reinforce floors. Brian Norton, Director of CLF, says the versatile design of the imported Dry Shake Spreader features lowdust loading technology, inlet brushes, storage for twenty 25 kg bags of sur- face hardening powder in a compact machine, which is easy to transport. “The spreader’s high manoeu- vrability allows effortless work around columns and other obstruc- tions during flooring operations. It also provides exceptional spreading accuracy, allowing for the application of fine materials as well as large ag- gregates. The high-techmachine can
primer slurry is used to prepare the surface and enhance the bond of the adhesive onto the surface substrate. “It offers phenomenal adhesion to most dense, impervious and smooth surfaces, such as power-floated or steel-floated concrete and screeds,”
explains Sharon Margon, Technical Advice Supervisor at TAL. When the surface is dense, smooth or impervious, it tends to have low porosity and little suction, thus offer- ing no mechanical key for the adhe- sive. These surfaces have to be suit- ably prepared, either by roughening the surface, which is time-consuming and messy, or by priming the sub- strate. TAL Keycoat and TAL Keymix slurry priming coat will enhance the adhesive bond onto the smooth or dense substrate. In contrast, very porous substrates may draw the mixing liquid from the adhesive into the substrate, which will adversely affect the integrity and performance of the adhesive. Contamination on the surface, such as dust and loose particles, will act as a ‘bond breaker’ and prevent the adhesive from bonding onto the substrate. Margon cautions that incorrect or inadequate surface preparation can adversely affect the integrity of the in- stallation andmay lead to an installa- tion failure. “In all tiling installations, correct background preparation is paramount to a successful tile instal- lation. Substrates must be allowed the minimum curing or drying times, be integrally sound and of a quality and consistency suitable for tiling. All damaged, defective, deteriorated or hollow sounding areas must be removed and made good, and all surface contamination should be removed,” she says. Priming the surface with the TAL Keymix primer system will also en- hance water resistance of the tiling installation, such as showers and balconies. TAL Keymix is available in 20 kg bags. For further information contact the TAL Technical Advisory Service on 0860 000 TAL (825). ■
Seamless concrete flooring
increase productivity and efficiency by covering larger areas in a shorter time,” says Norton. Advantages of the Titan Top Dry Shake Spreader when used with the a.b.e. surface hardener includes: • Optimal distribution ensures a uniform and homogenous layer • Increases strength as well as abrasion- and slip-resistance • Improved surface quality • Increases the serviceable life of the floor • Uniform colour which enhances the appearance • Improved floor tolerance levels because flatter floors aremore effi- cient and require lowmaintenance • Increased resistance to liquid penetration • Dustless application “CLF is committed to innovation and constantly strives to develop prod- ucts that provide greater value and benefits to the end user. By joining forces with a.b.e. Construction Chem- icals, CLF now has the equipment and material to provide seamless factory and warehouse flooring that could match the best in the world,” concludes Norton. ■
April 2016
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